Which model should Windy implement next? Please vote.
HRRR covers only the USA. It is not a global model.
Vote number 2: AROME
Vote: HRRR
@idefix37 Thank you very much. Is AROME global?
Vote for 2 AROME
I vote #3 HRRR
This post is deleted! -
#3 HRRR - Living between the Cascades and the Rocky's weather can change on a dime...so I believe HRRR would provide a current detailed view of how the atmosphere would affect my predominantly outdoor living experience. Appreciate your services (models).
Vote 2: AROME
AROME would be the most interest here, plenty of mountains and coastline here in Tasmania
Voting for #3 as rapid refresh for severe storm tracking is extremely helpful.
I also want to say that you guys have added a lot of awesome features recently, please keep up the good work. You are my go to 100% of the time.
vote numero 2 AROME
Vote 2: AROME for the coastline/mountain modeling
Eu voto por o numero 2.
Agradeço pela qualidade e o trabalho magnifico que fazem. -
Vote 2: AROME
Vote 1 : HIRLAM
Arome. Thanks. :)
Vote 1: HIRLAM
With the presentation of the 3 models that Windy could implement, there are 3 maps which show the domain that these models cover :https://community.windy.com/topic/6911/which-model-should-windy-implement-next-please-vote
And Ivo precises the domain of each of them:
HIRLAM covers Scandinavia (and more)
AROME covers a part of Western Europe
HRRR covers USAThese 3 models are not global models like ECMWF and GFS