Which model should Windy implement next? Please vote.
Vote number 2: AROME approx 2km resolution
HRRR is more suitable for the world wide forecasts. Thank you for your very democratic decision.
@ivo said in Which model should Windy implement next? Please vote.:
Please use the best model for Alpine areas. Based on the comments, sounds like that is AROME.
I've used HRRR on other websites and don't find it much better than NAM. -
Model 2 AROME
AROME approx 2km resolution
HRRR covers only the USA. It is not a global model.
Vote number 2: AROME
Vote: HRRR
@idefix37 Thank you very much. Is AROME global?
Vote for 2 AROME
I vote #3 HRRR
This post is deleted! -
#3 HRRR - Living between the Cascades and the Rocky's weather can change on a dime...so I believe HRRR would provide a current detailed view of how the atmosphere would affect my predominantly outdoor living experience. Appreciate your services (models).
Vote 2: AROME
AROME would be the most interest here, plenty of mountains and coastline here in Tasmania
Voting for #3 as rapid refresh for severe storm tracking is extremely helpful.
I also want to say that you guys have added a lot of awesome features recently, please keep up the good work. You are my go to 100% of the time.
vote numero 2 AROME
Vote 2: AROME for the coastline/mountain modeling
Eu voto por o numero 2.
Agradeço pela qualidade e o trabalho magnifico que fazem. -
Vote 2: AROME