Reported current temperature is not correct
The current reported temperature for current location is not correct in android widget or in the browser (see image). In fact the difference can be as large as 12 deg Celsius. It appears that reported temperature corresponds to the high forecasted temperature of the next 3 hour interval. The discrepancy has been verified with other weather applications.
The Reported Temperature is the temperature reported by Weather Stations (not forecasted temperature). Click on the small circles which show Reported Temperature, you will open the Weather Station information.Then you observe a difference between forecasted and reported temperature. It seems that ECMWF and GFS don’t give good temperature forecasts near Ottawa. NAMS seems to be more precise.
You should carry these checking on several days to know which is the best weather model for your location.
Thank you for the insight. However how do I interpret the difference between the temperature in the yellow circle, which I expect to reflect the current temperature, and the real temperature of nearby stations like the one in the red circle. Unless the temperature in the yellow circle represents something else.
The temperature in the yellow circle is the temperature that the default weather model (ECMWF) forecasts for Ottawa. It is the temperature average within 3 hours. The model gives a forecast for the next 3 hours from 0h, 3h, 6h, 9h....
So this is not real temperature, just an estimation (as the weather models do for the next or following days). It’s not the exact current temperature. If you want to know it, it’s better to refer to the Reported Temperature shown in the red circle, which are observed by Weather Stations near Ottawa (but about 1/4 or 1/2 hour earlier). -
That explains it.
I guess it is not very intuitive to show the model forecasted temperature in a widget as the typical weather widget provides the current location temperature along with a multi-day forecast. Thank you again.