Windy offers Sounding Forecast
There is a bug on Firefox 70.0.1 on linux : when the sounding window is moved or when the screen is scrolled, the coordinates of the left click are wrong (to display the horizontal bar showing values for a given elevation / pressure).
Great addition for windy. Is there any chance we could see it having the choice to visualise the soundings with a: Skew T log P format? In the southern hemisphere thats the norm. All soundings published and used by the Bureau of Meteorology in Australia use a Skew T log P format. Great app. Love your work!
@davink There are 2 plugins for that:
- "SkewT diagram" and
- "Sounding" (by default scales are tailored for free flight but you can see a skewT LogP by unchecking the "zoom view" box at the bottom.
Go to to load the plugins (you have to reload them each time you visit the site).
Hope this helps
@vicb thanks! Excellent...
@TZ are you going to implement a skew-T in mobile app? It would be great if you do
@ekostogorov The sounding should be there, but not the Skew-T variant. Hopefully in the future.
@ekostogorov @TZ my plugin (windy-plugin-sounding) does support skewT (uncheck the "zoom view" checkbox at the bottom). It can be loaded on mobile by visiting however it does not well yet because I need to adapt the size to mobile screen.
It should probably not take too long to do but I have deferred for now that since loading plugins on mobile (especially in the app) is not well supported.
@ivo Where can I find an explanation of the 2 gray lines?
See here above the explanations from @Chobotnatec :
I idefix37 referenced this topic on
Hi Everibody
ca someone please explain what I get when moving the mouse pointer along the temperature on the ground?