ECMWF hourly data
As we read here"ECMWF is pleased to announce that the hourly data and 06/18 UTC forecast runs
from its Boundary Conditions Optional Programme
are now available to all users holding a real-time licence, upon request."I want to ask: Is windy a user holding a real-time licence?
We may expect ECMWF hourly forecast data at your site? -
Others websites from a few days ago have forecast hourly by ECMWF
May we have more info,?
Where can I find hourly data from 06 and/or 18 UTC runs ? -
These forecasts are probably just interpolated as they are issued from 00h and 12h UTC runs. -
@Gkikas-LGPZ From what I've heard is that in order to get hourly data, the ECMWF integrates data from the Global ICON model. So my thinking is that it would be cheaper and better to use Global ICON directly.
According to: data come from ECMWF's
Boundary Conditions Optional Programme."Established in 1991, the primary purpose of the Boundary Conditions Optional Programme
is to make the data available to ECMWF’s Member and Co-operating States
to use as boundary conditions for their limited-area models........ same output, now called High Frequency Products,
was added to the ECMWF Product catalogue.Since 1 October 2018, the High Frequency Products
have been available to all users holding a real-time licence,
upon request and subject to a fee. ."So, hourly data were available for "internal use" since 1991.
Now those data are available to all users ... but "not for free". -
@Gkikas-LGPZ Oh ok, my mistake. Guess the person who told me that was wrong. In that case, it would be a nice feature to add. As long as it's not too pricey.