Weather warnings new layer.
Great job ! Very well done.
Impressive!Where are these data coming from?
meteoalarm and Hydrometcenter of Russia ?
I think you must keep the green colour code for areas with no sign. weather
(No special awareness required)
cause now we don't know if a "gray" colour means
"no awarness required" or "no data".Also I'm comfused on that:
what's the difference "rain+tstm in light blue" and "rain+tstm in brown colour" ?
I wrote a little description for this new layer:A lot of people were waiting for this feature (especially for the forest fire layer..) since a very long time...
and now..
This feature CAME TRUE and works fine now on Weather Warnings layer.
In addition it includes several other warnings, not only forest fire, but because of this, from now Windy has much more useful and life saving capabilities with this brand new "Weather Warnings" layer than ever.The weather warning types:
• Rain
• Thunderstorms
• Flood
• Fire
• High temperature
• Low temperature
• Wind
• Fog
• Waves, sea phenomenon
• Snow
• Air quality
• AvalanchesThere are 2 colour scheme options for the layer:
• colorize by the intensity of the phenomenons (moderate, severe, extreme)
• colorize by the type of danger (according to the list above)The signs of different phenomenas discretely signed by little symbols as you can see on the screenshots below, it has a description for its meanings on the bottom right corner in the second choosable colour scheme (as you can see on the second screeshot below).
In addition, it has a time changing option to show the corresponding data on the map, which are the followings:
• All available
• Today
• Tomorrow
• LaterExample screenshots:
- colorize by the intensity of the phenomenas scheme option
- colorize by the type of danger scheme option
Plus we can read the corresponding published weather related information on a window, which pop-up if we click on any colour signed area on the map.
(See the attached screenshot below, which is related to weather infos in Rome.) -
I would like to add that all these types of warnings should be understood as risks but not as observations.
In particular, forest fires should be considered as "conditions that could lead to potential fires" (mainly due to drought and lightning).
Some time ago, several people were asking for a "Fire" layer, but to find out where forest fires have already started. It's different.... like rain forecasts and rain from radar data.;c:-3.2,14.4;d:2018-10-10..2018-10-11 -
Yes you're right @idefix37 .
It's like forcasts, if the forcasted conditions meet the required conditions for the given phenomena, it's going to be a warning / threat (or risk) to people, which may occur or maybe not..
In the example of forest fire, e.g. around San Francisco the description clearly write the forcasted conditions that may lead to a potential hazardous fire (these are very strong winds and low humidity around 8-18% -> drought). This is - as written exactly in the warning description - meets the "critical fire weather conditions".
It writes that "conditions are either occuring now..or will shortly", as we can see the screenshot below under "IMPACTS" title.Thats why it is a WARNING for EVERYBODY to TAKE CARE at these areas and BE AWARE of the potential forecasted hazards.
I think everybody have to know these properties of the new feature, to be able to evaluate the risks, if they are close to / or just travelling through these areas affected by the forecasted phenomenas (warnings).Use this new feature guys, and STAY SAFE!
Well seen !
It seemed important to me to clarify this question.
In addition , a layer of « fire in progress » could be considered. -
Hi, I like the visual concept and warnings display approach - well done!
I do have two first up questions:
1/ Does the warning regions extend into the southern hemisphere? From what I have seen recently, the only regions highlighting warning outlooks are across the northern hemisphere. I like the weather here in Australia, but I would have thought there would be some warning thresholds met for the southern hem.2/ What do you use to calculate the "Fire weather warning". I will attach an image showing a fire warning for Chechnya/Dagestan this Sunday 11thNov. Yet, the forecast daytime temp is 8degreesC with RH 82% and a mean wind speed under 10kt - which doesn't equate to hazardous fire weather conditions.
I'm just enquiring as I like to concept and use of Windy platform to highlight these forecast extreme/hazardous conditions. Plus, Australia is heading towards a potentially hazardous fire weather season in the coming few months and I would like to see this plugin work.
This is an absolutely amazing new layer, thank you!
Europe Overview today:
Can the 'Colourize by type of danger' toggle button setting please be added to the URL string?
I would like to save a favourite in my browser and go directly to my preferred view.
Thanks :)
@gkikas-lgpz said in Weather warnings new layer.:
I think you must keep the green colour code for areas with no sign. weather
(No special awareness required)
cause now we don't know if a "gray" colour means
"no awarness required" or "no data".Yes I agree. To be absolutely clear (especially when looking at a large area overview like I posted above) it would be be good to have 2 more colour schemes:
- No Warnings reported
- No Data available
but... Very Good work so far Windy Team!
@stitch said in Weather warnings new layer.:
I do have two first up questions:
1/ Does the warning regions extend into the southern hemisphere? From what I have seen recently, the only regions highlighting warning outlooks are across the northern hemisphere. I like the weather here in Australia, but I would have thought there would be some warning thresholds met for the southern hem.Today I do see some warnings in the southern hemisphere:
A small craft advisory for wind in the Solomons (Sender: Solomon Islands Meteorological Services)
A small craft advisory for swell in Samoa (Sender: none)
Other warning sources (picked at random) come up as follows, so it looks like the individual met office is responsible for sending this data to whatever central source(s) that Windy is using:
- Sender: NWS Glasgow MT
- Sender: NWS Seattle WA
- Sender: Italian Air Force National Meteorological Service
- Sender: ZAMG Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics
- Sender: Гидрометцентр России
- etc
it seems that warnings of german weather service DWD are not part of this layer?
Am i right?PS: But they could.. -
@tomber42 yes, those are missing so far
Same for Switzerland?
Have tried with Eumetnet.
As they gather data for this website: -
@idefix37 Nope, Switzerland data are shown. Take a look, there are some active warnings now ...
Right !
However today Windy show only warnings for rain and wind in Switzerland.When at same time Meteo Swiss have in addition warnings for Avalanches, Fire and Flood.
Is it because you can’t display several warnings in one region?
@idefix37 said in Weather warnings new layer.:
Is it because you can’t display several warnings in one region?
I don't have a complete answer for you, but multiple warnings in a particular zone/region are actually displayed - only one colour still, but multiple icons if you are zoomed in - and you can even see this in your screenshot where the green colour scheme around Zermatt shows icons for both wind and rain.
We are taking the data for Europe from Meteoalarm and the info about avalanches is not there as well. It seems that the CapAlerts are not issued for avalanches in Switzerland. The avalanche warnings are only available on MeteoSwiss website. Not sure why their are not providing those information as CapAlert.
OK it’s clear now. Thanks for your answer. -
@tomslavkovsky said in Weather warnings new layer.:
We are taking the data for Europe from Meteoalarm and the info about avalanches is not there as well. It seems that the CapAlerts are not issued for avalanches in Switzerland. The avalanche warnings are only available on MeteoSwiss website. Not sure why their are not providing those information as CapAlert.
hmm,but on meteoalarm german warnings are available
..but not on windy?