what happened to 3D globe mode
Куда подевался 3D режим. А так же хотелось бы видеть этот режим по умолчанию для ПК
what happened to 3D globe mode. and I would also like a 3D globe mode when loading by default for PC.
При загрузке всякий раз по умолчанию другое место - хотелось бы чтоб не по IP была привязка а из сохранения на PC
When loading, every time by default, there is another place - I would like it not to be bound by IP from save to PC -
Hi @samsamabc , we have decided to remove the 3D option as there was very little demand for it (we know this from the statistics preview) & not enough capacity to develop it further. Thank you for understanding and we are sorry about that.
As regards default location, please check the Settings >> "Start-up location" and choose one of your Favorite spots (you need to save a spot into your Favorites first of all).
That's too bad.
This step removes one oft he most interesting features of WindyTy!
Within the 3D-Modus it was possible to follow the effects oft he JetStream and it was possible to easily compare the completely different weather development around north and south pole.
Without the 3D modus the shape of weather phenomena in the northern and southern parts of the maps are totally distorted and by that misleading.
They only technical explanation is apparently the 'little demand for it' and 'not enough capacity to develop it further'?
The 3D mode was indeed the most interesting and unique tool Windytv offered for those who tried to look at things a bit further.