Pressure bar not moving
When you select a weather station on map, the temperature and wind bar moves, but the pressure bar is not moving anymore.
You probably mean that, on a weather station window, it is possible to obtain the temperature and the wind speed observed few hours ago, but not the pression (red arrow) which stay unchanged.
You are right but I don’t know why. That could be improved. -
Now is working. I think they fix it. Thanks
It works for me too now. The issue was on iPad both with website/Safari and with the phone app. Just before I’ve checked on Mac/Chrome it was OK. Thanks. -
Web version was fixed, but android version is not working yet.
Hi, this morning the iOS app shows again the same issue. Website with Safari and Chrome is OK. -
I can confirm that in the app it is not working. Thanks. Will pass to @ivo.
fixed on website soon in aps