Weather warnings layer needs some improvement
Today (Windy VS meteoalarm)
Same for tomorrow
@gkikas-lgpz thanks for info. I will have to check it in more detail, just few quick remarks:
- Germany - we know about it, their alert feed doesn't correspond to what is a "standard" for other EU countries. separate parser will be developed for that
- general disrepancies between Windy/meteoalarm - it already happened many times, that meteoalarm shows different alerts from the ones reported in the data feed. we found a cases where alert was not visually shown in the metoalarm map, although it was present in data feed and was valid and active in given time period. Same happened vice versa - alert shown in map was not present in data feed.
- also the understanding of how to treat today/tomorrow differs between Windy and meteoalarm
We plant to fix/change couple of things in CAP alerts layer, once this is done, I will provide more detailed post of how it is implemented and how to treat the data provided by that layer.
In the meantime, if you really want to compare Windy against the source, you have to check the data source itself, not the resulting map at meteoalarm (example for Sweden can be found at If you find a discrepancy there, please let us know
It needs some significant improvement for US based warnings as well. The warnings displayed are extremely inconsistent in severity as compared to NWS CAP, and often times the warnings / advisories / watches are completely missing in patches throughout the map. I double checked NWS CAP and they are indeed correctly being sent through there. Some of the watches and warnings are also duplicated for some reason on windy.
For example:
Compared to the watch area here:
This is the NWS CAP XML index for Georgia at the time:
And an example CAP message for the tornado watch:
@sekritfox thanks for the info. US feed processing had some bugs, it should be fixed now. Please note, that we are not displaying any warning below Moderate severity and date filtering is always with respect to the time zone of the Windy user (capAlerts for "today" are those valid between current time & upwoming midning).
@gkikas-lgpz German was added + some bugs in alert processing and time filtering were fixed. Please note that we are not displaying any warnings with Severity below Moderate.