Waypoints for routing!
First, thanks for this wonderful app, the best I use for sailing safely.
I am currently making the weather forecast routing for a friend doing a rall ound the world kind of race ("la longue route").
What I am missing is the possibility to create and display several waypoints on a same screen and to be able to save them.
Anyway, thanks again for this beautiful work. Bye -
Using the « Distance & planning » feature (right click), you can place waypoints and show their coordinates, the bearing and the length of each segment, with the total length of this route.
Of course then you must write all details in the routing message to your friend as it’s not possible to save them. Taking a screenshot is a good way to keep them.Bon vent pour la longue route !
Thanks for your answer. Yes, I already use the feature you mention. But I'd like to save these waypoints, and give them a name (in this case, in fact, a date).
Bye -
OK but at least you can copy and paste them in an Excel table to add what like.. name, date...