Help us translate Windy
Hi everyone,
Windy now supports more than 40 languages and it's been very difficult to maintain the high standard of translations. Therefore, we have decided to change the translation platfom, now we are using Crowdin. Crowdin is a user-friendly translation tool that everyone can join and improve or translate texts used at Windy.
To join this project, please use the following link:
Current translation status:
Here is some basic help for translators.
Thank you for helping us keep Windy the best weather service! :)
@marienka Could you point me to the Brazilian responsible for Windy? I am interested in interviewing him for a group of open water swimmers.
Hi @fdaf, there isn't any Brazilian responsible for Windy or translation of Windy to Portuegese. Translations were made thanks to many users who decided to help us with it.
@petra-pik Brazilians speak Portuguese. Isn't it?
Hi @gkikas-lgpz, you're right, fixed that.
@gkikas-lgpz Sorry for bringing the old topic up, but there are quite a few differences between pt-pt (Portugal portuguese) and pt-br (Brazilian portuguese). So, it's quite common to have both translations. I'd suggest to open a branch for pt-br, to which I'd gladly contribute. Thanks.
@marcorotta Thank you for the offer, we will consider it.
How can we report mistakes in translations? I the new version I can see soundings are now included with Skew T LogP diagrams. In Danish someone translated “soundings” to “dybdemåler” which means “deep measure” and gives no sense. Better to leave it in English as “Soundings” as everybody who can read those diagrams knows what it is, but gets confused by the translation in first instance
@DiegoGugliotta Hello, and what is the correct translation in Danish please?
@Marienka Hi, is there a Greek translation for wnidy? Can you point to some resources please.
Thank you
You should be able to see if there is a Greek translation. Just select Greek in language settings. -
@idefix37 Thank you!