Legend for different color clouds
I love this app but lack of legend makes it difficult to understand different layers of clouds. Is that information available or any setting on app I can set? I really want to learn and understand how it works but having a hard time. Please help.
You can see the different cloud layers,
if you activate "more layers" ...
"high - medium - low clouds".
Thanks a lot for your reply. This is how i usually have my screen set up but it's hard to tell difference between high, medium or low clouds in this setting. I wish there was a color legend that was displayed as well. May be it's lack of knowledge on my part but it's hard to tell what all the colors are trying to show.
If you consider the Cloud base layer, you’ll get an idea of the clouds altitude. However the base altitude seems only displayed when cloud base is between 0 to 5000ft. You may also consider the Cloud tops layer.Cloud base
Cloud tops
@sunilsharma0825 I would also like to know what the little blue dots represent on your snapshot. I haven't been able to find these mentioned anywhere.
This is rain.
At bottom of @sunilsharma0825 screen shot, you see the rain amount scale, with:
Unit in mm
Qty .....1.5 - 2 - 3 - 7 - ....
Colors .....blue - green - yellow - red....
The small dots display the amount of rain predicted for the next 3 hours according this color range. -
You can also find a good description of layers here:
Regarding the "Clouds" layer. Like Idefix said, you have to consider 2 info in the same layer :
Clouds coverage in percent from 0% (sand/gold) to 100% (white) of the sky covered by clouds.
Rain or snow (depending on temperature) accumulation in millimeters for the next 3 hours from the selected time. This varies from 0 mm (no dots) to more than 50 mm (purple/light pink dots).