possible to add own model data to local instance?
Hello, I have looked across several forums, and I think the answer is no. I have used https://github.com/danwild/leaflet-velocity w/ measured success. Is it possible to jam my own modeled output into a windy-friendly format and have it play nicely w/ the API?
Many thanks,
@cplist Did you check https://api4.windy.com/ ? :-)
Yep, thx. But all I see is an ability to pick from windy's set of models . . . I could be missing something obvious, though.
@cplist Windy itself is a leaflet plugin. And there is boat tracker tutorial (https://api4.windy.com/examples/boat-tracker/) where you can see how to add leaflet polylines, leaflet icons. In other tutorials you can see also leaflet popups... And you can also add leaflet layers (you are right there is currently no tutorial for that, sorry). I am not able to say if it works with leaflet-velocity, but you should try it. It probably will work.