Bug with displaying track round the world
Please see the link https://www.asiapajkowska.pl/tracking/
Step to reproduce:- Move map to west and you see first part of track
- Move map to east more then180 degreese and move map
Tell me what is best practice to properly display a track of world
Regards -
It is not Windy bug.
That is how Leaflet map handles antimeridian.
Workaround is to split polyline at -179.9 & +179.9 deg.
For best visualt result make 3 polylines.One between longitudes -179.9 ... + 179.9
"Ghost 1" -270 ... -180.1
"Ghost 2" +180.1 ... + 270 -
thanks Siim.
I can't understand idea of ghosts. Could you explain it?
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