Requesting for paid version
Dear Windy representitives, ? @ivo
Hello, I am working in a Japanese corporation, and considering to incorporate the Windy API into our corporate website.
We have sent request for invoice according to the website but no reactions are provided so far, and we are having issues.
It would be great if any updates/status is provided, or please provide me with an email address to contact so that I can provide a proper business email request if required (we are willing to pay the full price immediately but cannot due to lack in response).
Thanks in advance.
Hi @MOLLH , thanks for your message. My colleague Simona is now communicating with you via email.
Hello @Marienka
Thank you so much for your support!
My boss and I are greatly appreciating your help.
(as my boss was having a tough time trying to contact a Windy rep.)I will continue communication with your colleague.