Would you like to report your weather station data to Windy? (depreciated)
yes of shure
Roland here from Denmark.
Davis Vantage Pro Plus (with UV, Solar and heating element for snow smelting).
Yes, Weather Underground (since July 2006) and Danish Metero, but that stops now with their new website. https://www.wunderground.com/personal-weather-station/dashboard?ID=IHILLERO1. Finally I have my own ASP/ASPX-based website at https://www.hilleroed-vejr.dk. Made 13 years ago. Needs an overhaul (when time permits).
WU uses their own plugin. DMI uses email. I have developed the interface myself.
An API should at least be JSON or SOAP webservice (or both), but email is also an option for people not being able to support these protocols.
Yes, certainly
Yes, I am professional programmer for 35 years, so I can program whatever kind of communications interface that is needed (for Windows)! :-) Just tell me if you come up with some PoC / beta APIs that you want me to interface to for testing and to see how easy/difficult it is...
Hello Windytv
Κωνσταντίνε χαίρομαι να έχουμε κι ελληνικούς σταθμούς σ' αυτό το νέο project.
Αν θέλεις δώσε τις απαντήσεις σου στα ερωτήματα που έθεσε ο Ivo στο αρχικό μήνυμα, ώστε να βοηθήσεις τους προγραμματιστές στο έργο τους.
https://community.windy.com/topic/7551/would-you-like-to-report-your-weather-station-data-to-windy -
@sjb521 I have to AcuRite weather stations with wind speed barometric pressure high and low for the day recorded I have two of them so I can compare differences in the weather stations I also have a logbook going back to 92 on all the weather where I live I studied meteorology in college
I have a Davis Vantage Vue , currently reporting to wunderground and WOW, would be happy to provide to Windy assuming its simple enough for a non IT person to figure out! -
yes i would
Cardiff Harbour Authority, South Wales, UK.
- We run 2 Gill Metpack pro weather stations. reporting 15 minute data.
One on the coastline at Cardiff Bay Barrage and the other on Flat Holm Island in the Bristol Channel. (note humidity sensors are due for replacement and will be done so in February 2019)
We report our data via GPRS to a host data site Called YSI Storm Central:
This site is in the public realm and available to see in the following links:
Cardiff Bay Barrage link is:
Flat Holm Island link is:
https://stormcentral.waterlog.com/SiteDetails.php?a=98&site=311&pa=CHABarrageYou can select the parameters of interest in the respective right hand column.
You'll also note that we collect lots of other different environmental data - feel free to peruse.
- We run 2 Gill Metpack pro weather stations. reporting 15 minute data.
@ivo Hi, I have Netatmo weather station with rain gauge. I can share my data with others, like many netatmo users. But some users have wrong position of the meteostation,so there will be necessary use some filter.
Petr -
Yes I would provide weather station data
- I have a HP2000 weather station which is made by Fine Soft and is similar to Ambient Weather stations
- I report my data to Weather Underground
That's about it
Peter -
Oui je serais intéressé, je fais actuellement construire aux Sables d'Olonne 85180 et je rechercherai une station météo que je pourrais également transmettre sur MacBook ainsi que sur iPhone.
Que faudrait-il acheterCordialement
Am near Limerick, Ireland. The station is an Ambient Weather WS-2000 Series. Am with Wunderground.com[more or less] Am also with Weathercloud.
Davis Vantage Vue
Weather Underground
Happy to share data.
I have a ventus w830 station, my data reports to wunderground and weather cloud. This is done over a wireless network that my station has built in.
@ivo said in Would you like to report your weather station data to Windy?:
Would you be willing to offer your station data to anyone else (not only windy.com) as open data?
yes -
Hola, me dirijo hacia los creadores de está fantástica aplicación Windy, soy de Argentina, Bahía Blanca, Provincia de Buenos Aires, les comento que aporto datos a wunderground hace 6 años, y el sitio me ha decepcionado por completo con sus errores y la aplicación móvil, no la mantienen como debe ser.
Uso directamente con la dirección MAC de mi estación meteorológica (Es lo que les voy a pedir que incorporen es su versión de estaciones meteorológica)
ACCESO DIRECCIÓN CON DIRECCIÓN MAC* Para conectarlo directamente como hace la aplicación Ambient Weather, es para mi estación que es la modelo: DZ-HP1000.
También desearía que agregaran un icono donde solo veamos las estaciones de los usuarios y datos en vivo en miniaturas pequeñas.
Les informaría las 24hs con mi estación, me sumo a su proyecto y quedo en línea por si quieren que participe del proyecto con más ideas o lo que necesiten.. ¡Saludos Cordiales Windy! -
- What type of weather station you have: Davis Vantage Pro 2
- Do you report your data to some other Internet website? weather underground
- How technically do you send your reports to this other website. Which software or protocol do you use.virtual weather station from Ambient Weather
- Do you have any tips and ideas, how should our reporting API look like? No clue
- Would you be willing to offer your station data to anyone else (not only windy.com) as open data? Yes
Yes I am happy to share my weather data.
I have a Davis Vantage Vue weather station with a weatherlinkIP data logger. I upload my data to the Weatherlink cloud site and from there to the NOAA -
1 davis vantage vue