Would you like to report your weather station data to Windy? (depreciated)
- Davis Vantage Pro2 wireless 6153
- wunderground.com Weather Station ID: ILJUBLJA225 - Ljubljana-Barje Iščica
- cumulus
- da
What type of weather station you have - DAVIS VANTAGE PRO 2 WIRELESS
Do you report your data to some other Internet website? WEATHER UNDERGROUND
How technically do you send your reports to this other website. Which software or protocol do you use. METEOBRIDGE
Do you have any tips and ideas, how should our reporting API look like? NO
Would you be willing to offer your station data to anyone else (not only windy.com) as open data? YES
@ivo hello i have a Davis vantage pro,
I am sharing the data with weatherlink software to the weatherlink app
I would like to share my data with windy.
My station is open to anyone who want to use the data.
My station id in weatherlink is Aerodromo Los Campanos
Is located in a regional airport -
I love the idea and would be happy too
@ivo said in Would you like to report your weather station data to Windy?:
- What type of weather station you have - Davis Vantage Pro 2
- Do you report your data to some other Internet website? - Yes, local community based and Wunderground
- How technically do you send your reports to this other website. Which software or protocol do you use. I use http://www.weewx.com/ which upload charts via FTP and the Wunderground API
- Do you have any tips and ideas, how should our reporting API look like? As flexible as possible to allow for the wide range in Weather Stations available
- Would you be willing to offer your station data to anyone else (not only windy.com) as open data? I would definitely offer the data under an Open Licence.
What type of weather station you have - DAVIS VANTAGE PRO 2 WIRELESS
Do you report your data to some other Internet website? WEATHER UNDERGROUND / METEONEWS / AWEKAS
How technically do you send your reports to this other website. Which software or protocol do you use. MeteoPlug
Do you have any tips and ideas, how should our reporting API look like? NO
Would you be willing to offer your station data to anyone else (not only windy.com) as open data? YES
Herzliche Grüsse Stefan -
Type pws: Alecto ws 5500
At the moment connected to Wunderground.
No idea what kind or software or protocol.
And yes... i'm prepared to share my weather data with others if this can be usefull -
Aloha. I would be pleased to share my Ambient Weather WS- 2902 data from the island of Hawai’i. I’m currently on Wunderground.com using the software protocol that came with the system. I believe my system reports to a database through Ambient Weather and Wunderground.com pulls the data from there. I just had to give them permission. Maybe Windy.com can arrange do that with Ambient Weather.
Henele B, Kawaihae, Hawaii -
Yes I would be more than willing to provide you my weather data since I already use your free Windy.com maps on my site... https://www.nicomaparkwx.com
Yes I provide my weather data to approx 7-9 sites now.
I use meteobridge Ver.3.9, The format is taken care of by meteobridge.com so I would advise getting in touch with them to help with your reporting setup.
For me it is fine the way you show your map. I also would like a setting to open the radar view with a zoom level. Please see my site above.
Yes I pretty much do that now so no problem.
Best regards.
Sou do Brazil traduz
Não, mas posso ajudar se for possível.
Yes I would. I have a Davis advantage pro 2. I report to the weather link by Davis. And to weather cloud.
Have a couple of Acurite stations. Yes I'd share. Currently report to weather underground.
yes i would like to report my readings
- i have a Davies Instruments weather station
- no i do report my data to another internet website
- i dont
- i dont , i would guidance
- i dont mind
I currently have a Netatmo weather station with external measurements for humidity, temperature and wind. I share with Netatmo that I have come to understand also share with the Norwegian meteorological institutes weather service www.yr.no all this is automatically done via WiFi. I have no problems sharing with windy as well.
I would be prepared to make my netatmo weather station data available but will whoever i make it available to be making money with my data
I have a Davis Vantage Pro2 connected to a Meteobridge. I currently report to WU, PWS Weather, and Ambient.
For me to report, the interface to the API would need to be implemented in the Meteobridge software.
i have a davis vantage pro.
yes i send data to other internet websites:
weather underground
use ambient virtual weather station program to upload
would be glad to share station data. -
- Davis Vantage Pro2 Plus
- Yes, Met Office, WeatherCloud, CWOP, Awekas, PWS Weather, WU, Windguru, Open weather Map.
- Meteobridge NanoSD
- API could look like any other weather station website. Realtime.txt being probably the most common.
- Yes Absolutely.
- davis vp2 using a meteobridge to upload data to internet
- various weather services as wunderground, awekas, met office wow
- meteobridge has built in features using the api of numerous weather sites to upload data. it would be easiest of windy can collaborate with meteobridge to make it simple for the user to upload data
- there are many examples in meteobridge for you to get inspiration.
5)already doing that. I offer data on condition the site allows me to use its products (Maps etc) on my personal weather site.