Would you like to report your weather station data to Windy? (depreciated)
Hello I would love to do it. Please recommend a weather station thats will easily connect to you.
Thanks -
- What type of weather station do you have? HOLFUY @ holfuy.com
- Do you report your data to some other Internet website? yes
- How do you technically send your reports to this other website? Which software or protocol do you use?
yes Holfuy offers API: https://api.holfuy.com
I have an Acurite 5-in-1.
I report to CWOP, Weather Underground. Weather Cloud, and PWS.
I use Weewx for my software.
No real opinion as to how reporting should look.
No problems with reporting info to anyone. -
- Weather station: Davis Pro 2 Plus
- Weather Underground, CWOP and Weather Observation Website (WOW,) (station appears on Windy Map for my local area)
- Software used: Cumulus MX Build 3043 on a Raspberry Pi 3+ board
- Similar to WU, to allow users to see data in real time and a graph over the past 24hrs, stricter data quality control as well would be good so to ignore stations that are reading bizzare temperatures.
- Yes
Davis Vantage View Pro2
Yes WeatherUnderground
FTP push from Cumulus for data. FTP push from camera for weathercam
Weather Underground has done no development for years and their mobile app is complete rubbish now. So i would think it would not be hard to make a great alternative.
Yes -
- Estação meteorológica PCE - FWS 20
- Sim, relato os dados via www.underground.com ILISBOAT4
- FTP WeatherUnderground do Cumulus para dados.
- Semelhante ao WU, que permiti aos usuários ver dados em tempo real e um gráfico nas últimas 24 horas,
- Já desde muito tempo que comparo dados da minha estação com os dados da Windy.
Hi, I have a NetAtmo meteo station located in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the city of Banja Luka.
All data and measurements will be happy to let you know. -
Hi - I have 2 Netatmo weather stations. I am perfectly happy to give the data to Windy and also that Windy shares the data.....after all, the more inputs we have to global weather, the better that forecasting will become.
I tried to log on to Weather Underground to share my data but they will not accept Netatmo data for some arcane reason
- PCE-FWS 20
- Data is currently beeing reported to WU (ILEIRIAC9), APRS/CWOP (FW0450), Meteoclimatic and .owner's site www.meteocaldas.com
- Data is sent through Cumulus 1.9.4
- I have some ideas but difficult to explain here :-)
- No problem to offer station data as open data to anyone else.
Hi there, yes we have Davis Vantage Vue. But we don't report it through any other sites. Happy to have it included here 🙂
1 wmr200
2 wuderground, weathercloud
3 Cumulus 1.9.4
4 i think It would good be begin and then go improving
5 i would LOVE yo share my area's real-time data with everyone -
Greetings from London
Using a Davis Vantage Vue since 2007 uploading data to weather-link and WU via a Wifilogger a neat little unit that fits in the Vue console and communicates wireless to my router .
I would love to share my data with Widy team, as a previous member mentioned it would nice to see a clean designed platform with graphs. -
The advantage is that if other people do the same, the owner will be able to use others' data.If you think "hey, the data is public, anybody can use it" - yes, but the fact that others are using it does not make it less of an advantage for the owner - it is still the same data.
Behave as if others would do the same. Maybe you publishing would trip somebody else to publish too?
I am glad Ivo did not ask himself "What are the advantages for me if I create a publicly accessible and free of charge windy.com?" when he started the project.
@ivo yes. I have a vantage vue station in mid-wales UK
- L a CROSSE model#V40-PRO
- no
- N/A
- no
- yes
1> ACURITE Professional Weather Center
2> Yes
3> ACURITE PC Connect App
4> No
5> Yes -
- We have Davis vantage Vue with 6357 sensor set
2 ) We sent data's to other internet web pages( windfinder and weather underground)
We are using meteobridge data logger via GSM modem
We prefer to have wind prediction more than rain and weather temperature.
We are willing to provide our station data's to anyone else who needs and who can share the prediction.
If you can register us we are ready to send our data to your system.
Thanks & Regards
+90 533 749 67 80 -
Hi, I'm Saif From Kharian Pakistan, I Have Acu Rite 5 in 1 Weather Station and My Data Is Uploaded To Wunderground On Daily Basis
I would Like To See My Data Open On Windy
Here's My Pws link