Would you like to report your weather station data to Windy? (depreciated)
This post is deleted! -
- Ambient Weather WS-2902
- Weather Undergrond, Weathercloud, (id ITACORON3)
- Aplicación WS View
- No
- Si. sería un placer.
@ivo said in Would you like to report your weather station data to Windy?:
- What type of weather station do you have?
Davis Vantage Pro
- Do you report your data to some other Internet website?
Weather Underground & OpenWeatherMap
- How do you technically send your reports to this other website? Which software or protocol do you use?
I use my won custom software to report via HTTP to both.
- Do you have any tips and ideas on how our API reporting should look like?
REST is good. Easiest would be to incorporate all update information into one URL call along with the PWS ID and a personal API key. This would make it possible to debug easily with any web browser and to even upload using programs like wget or curl.
- Would you be willing to offer your station data to anyone else (not only windy.com) as open data?
I would be willing to participate in beta testing as well. I have almost 40 years experience in networking / programming in various languages/protocols.
@abbas72 Very good
Jaycar XC0422 a clone of an Ambient Weather WS-1002-WiFi
Weather Underground
none at this time
yes, absolutely
Keep up the awesome work!
in Cabo San Lucas it’s Raining
- What type of weather station you have: About 40 Vaisala Weather Transmitter WXT520 and 5 Paroscientific,Inc. MET4A Meteorological Measurement Systems scattered across the west Antarctica and the Transantarctic Mountains. Data from these metpacks are ingested into GPS datafiles and transmitted off continent via Iridium.
- Do you report your data to some other Internet website? Met data are pulled from UNAVCO and collated and archived on an FTP site hosted by the British Antarctic Survey.
- How technically do you send your reports to this other website. Which
software or protocol do you use. Not applicable - Do you have any tips and ideas, how should our reporting API look like?
No tips or ideas. - Would you be willing to offer your station data to anyone else (not only
windy.com) as open data? Yes
ad1) NetaAtmo Weather Station
ad2) Yes, to WeatherUnderground and MeteoWareAPI? NetAtmo API? Or it is API of MeteoWare and WU. I dont know ;-)
Installed at >60 locations. Also at our local airfield -- love it.
Plugin: https://community.windy.com/topic/7674/windy-plugin-iw
Yes I own a Personal Weather Station.
- Acurite Pro 5-in-1 Color Weather Station with Wind Direction & Speed and Rain
- Report to Weather Underground, Weather Watcher network, Weather Channel as well as WPXI Channel 11 News, KDKA TV 2 News, and WTAE Channel 4 News in Pittsburgh PA and WJAC, FOX 8 in Johnstown PA
- Automatically Send information via internet every 5 mins.
- Make it look like Weatherunderground from The Weather Channel.
- What type of weather station do you have? WE HAVE 2 - A DAVIS VANTAGEPRO2 & A WINDFLOW STATION
- Do you report your data to some other Internet website? YES - OWN WEBSITES, WEATHER UNDERGROUND, PWS, CWOP AND MORE
- How do you technically send your reports to this other website? Which software or protocol do you use? CLIENTRAW.TXT FILES VIA WEATHER DISPLAY OR WEEWX
- Do you have any tips and ideas on how our API reporting should look like? EASY AS POSSIBLE!
- Would you be willing to offer your station data to anyone else (not only windy.com) as open data? YES, OF COURSE
Very interested in sending you my wx data!
- Davis Vantage Pro2 (Wireless)
- Yes: Wunderground, CWOP, MetOffice, PWS, WeatherCloud, lacostaweather.com
- Via WeatherCat (v.3.0.4) software
- I like a lot of the other suggestions listed in the comments.
- Yes, I'd like to share my data with just about anyone and everyone.
- Davis Vantage Pro 2
- Not currently
- I can craft something in python if necessary. I currently have a serial data stream from the console into a linux box.
- Id like to know what you have designed so far.
- Absolutely.
Yes I would.
It a 5 in1 acurite weather station
Yes, I report to weather underground
I use an acurite hub and an access hub to transmit the data from the weather station -
- Davis Vantage Pro2 Plus
- Weather Underground, CWOP, and many others
- Meteobridge
- Yes, I'm willing to allow anyone to use my weather data.
- netatmo
- netatmo weathermap
- wifi
What type of weather station do you have?
Davis Vantage Pro2 Plus (wireless) -
Do you report your data to some other Internet website?
- How do you technically send your reports to this other website? Which software or protocol do you use?
Software for MAC-Weathercat current version 3.0.4 build 91
- Do you have any tips and ideas on how our API reporting should look like?
5 day, 10 day weather forecasting at minimum
- Would you be willing to offer your station data to anyone else (not only windy.com) as open data?
Depends. I have killed off WU after 12 years due to their incompetence and subterfuge regarding weather reporting and API use. I am not interested
in sharing information with companies who refuse to offer minimum services in exchange.JJM
My name is Radoslav, my PWS WH 2080 is located in Vyškov, Czech Republic. The data is processed by WeeWX on its own server and displayed on http://www.pocasi-kucerov.cz/weewx/sofa/
The data are further reported on WU, AWEKAS, WOW Metoffice and PWSWeather. WeeWX also creates "realtime.txt" (Cummulus SW) and "gauge-data.txt" (SteelSeries Gauges) every minute, and these are available immediately.
WeeWX contains several uploaders, others can be easily added (more than 20 - see https://github.com/weewx/weewx/wiki).
The author of the SW is very helpful and I think that if you turn to him (http://www.weewx.com/), he likes to create another for Windy according to your requirements.
Of course I agree with the sharing of my PWS data.
If you are interested, contact me.