Would you like to report your weather station data to Windy? (depreciated)
- custom built, based on Wemos D1, BME280 sensor, anemometer, wind dir. and precipitation from SwitchDoc Labs weather rack.
- private channel on thingspeak.com and my webpage.
- Over WiFi to thingspeak.com and to my homeassistant server over MQTT.
- no.
- yes.
Hello, the weather station of La Palma ara in http://lapalma.hdmeteo.com. I hope your visit
I have a weather station in Cairo (though internet down so not reporting)
Q1 TFA Nexus
Q2 Reporting to Wunderground and Awekas
Q3 Reporting via meteohub
Q4 Gauges a good approach, but also with history
Q5 Yes -
Yes I would like that. I have three or four weather stations.
A Davis VantagePro2, most reliable for sunshine and temperature (it is aspirated). Situated in Ao Nang, province Krabi, Thailand on a rooftop.
At the same place but in the garden I have a Ventus W380. Its minimum temperature is more reliable because of its location, 1,5 m above grass. Sunshine is less reliable because of the shadow of some trees. Rainfall is much better than the Davis Vantage.
I also have a VentusW380 in Na Tin Spicy Garden, 5 km from here. It is OK.
The last one is located in Nong Thale at 7 km distance, but there the distance to the router is too large so it reports irregularly.
I send the data to Wunderground.
The Davis data are sent by Meteobridge Pro, not only to Wunderground but also to my private FTP server. This can easily be redirected to Windy. I don't know how to send the Ventus data to you. The data sending was done by using the app WS View and that app only accesses Wunderground as far as I know. -
- Davis Vantage Pro2
- Weather Underground (but it is becoming untenable, actively looking for a different place to report to)
- Using their standard API - mechanism built into the weather software I'm using (Cumulus)
- ... nope.
- Possibly.
@ivo said in Would you like to report your weather station data to Windy?:
Are you owner of personal weather station? Are you maintainer of network of weather stations?
We plan to create API endpoints so you could send your weather station data to us. Please help us to do this project by answering following questions:
1) What type of weather station you have Davis Vantage Pro
2) Do you report your data to some other Internet website? Weather Underground
3) How technically do you send your reports to this other website. Which software or protocol do you use. Davis Weatherlink 6.04
4) Do you have any tips and ideas, how should our reporting API look like?
5) Would you be willing to offer your station data to anyone else (not only windy.com) as open data? Yes
@aturner said in Would you like to report your weather station data to Windy?:
What type of weather station you have?
Davis Vantage Pro2
Do you report your data to some other Internet website?
Weather Underground
How technically do you send your reports to this other website. Which software or protocol do you use.
Davis Weatherlink 6.04
Do you have any tips and ideas, how should our reporting API look like?
Would you be willing to offer your station data to anyone else (not only windy.com) as open data?
Ambient Weather WS-0900-IP
AMBWeather 3.0.3
The changes to the Wunderground API as mentioned by another user further up the thread are totally legit and I’d start there!
Yes - this is awesome!
- yes
- API open to reed all PWS for all "PWS's User"
- Yes at all PWS's User that contribute to sending data
- What kind of weather station do you have?
I do not own a weather station but I own a wind turbine whose data can not be transmitted and I would be interested in a weather station. Can you suggest a model and brand? - Do you report your data to another Internet site?
No - With which technique you send your reports to this other website. Which software or protocol do you use?
No - Do you have any suggestions and ideas, how should our reporting API be?
No - Would you be willing to offer your station data to anyone (not just windy.com) as open data?
Once the weather station is installed, I would be willing to give my data if it does not matter for you.
- What kind of weather station do you have?
Vantage Pro2
Weather link
Yes -
1- I have an FROGGIT WS3000 ....clone of Fine Offset WH 2900
2- Yes to wunderground.com
3 - Via wifi do not know the protocl
4 - Just let it run like WU
5 No -
What type of weather station you have
Davis vatage pro -
Do you report your data to some other Internet website?
No -
How technically do you send your reports to this other website. Which software or protocol do you use.
Do you have any tips and ideas, how should our reporting API look like?
Would you be willing to offer your station data to anyone else (not only windy.com) as open data?
I have no weather station
I could have One what type would be the best
Frequency of the informations
Hugues -
- Davis Vantage PRO 2
- Report data via HF (radio on 3.905MHz). New England WX Net every day except Sundays from 0530-0630 Eastern Times. We also have online reporting if HF conditions are marginal to poor. This can be seen at our website: http://www.newenglandweathernet.com
- I do not have any S/W available to send to other sites. Hopefully soon to get something going with this.
- NO
- Hopefully in the future.
Yes, I like the idea
Ambient Weather WS-900-IP (Wireless) reporting to weather underground via their ambient weather observerIP 4.1
Vantage Pro 2
I only report to wunderground.com
I use Virtual Weather
Yes, I would be willing
Lluvia España ,Santander
@ivo I use a NetAtmo weather station, with temp, wind, air quality, dew etc data. I can send a link to you which will give u access to my data in real time. Alternatively my data is always available on the NetAtmo public platform (map).
I am located in Lagonissi, Attica, Greece.