Would you like to report your weather station data to Windy? (depreciated)
@aturner said in Would you like to report your weather station data to Windy?:
What type of weather station you have?
Davis Vantage Pro2
Do you report your data to some other Internet website?
Weather Underground
How technically do you send your reports to this other website. Which software or protocol do you use.
Davis Weatherlink 6.04
Do you have any tips and ideas, how should our reporting API look like?
Would you be willing to offer your station data to anyone else (not only windy.com) as open data?
Ambient Weather WS-0900-IP
AMBWeather 3.0.3
The changes to the Wunderground API as mentioned by another user further up the thread are totally legit and I’d start there!
Yes - this is awesome!
- yes
- API open to reed all PWS for all "PWS's User"
- Yes at all PWS's User that contribute to sending data
- What kind of weather station do you have?
I do not own a weather station but I own a wind turbine whose data can not be transmitted and I would be interested in a weather station. Can you suggest a model and brand? - Do you report your data to another Internet site?
No - With which technique you send your reports to this other website. Which software or protocol do you use?
No - Do you have any suggestions and ideas, how should our reporting API be?
No - Would you be willing to offer your station data to anyone (not just windy.com) as open data?
Once the weather station is installed, I would be willing to give my data if it does not matter for you.
- What kind of weather station do you have?
Vantage Pro2
Weather link
Yes -
1- I have an FROGGIT WS3000 ....clone of Fine Offset WH 2900
2- Yes to wunderground.com
3 - Via wifi do not know the protocl
4 - Just let it run like WU
5 No -
What type of weather station you have
Davis vatage pro -
Do you report your data to some other Internet website?
No -
How technically do you send your reports to this other website. Which software or protocol do you use.
Do you have any tips and ideas, how should our reporting API look like?
Would you be willing to offer your station data to anyone else (not only windy.com) as open data?
I have no weather station
I could have One what type would be the best
Frequency of the informations
Hugues -
- Davis Vantage PRO 2
- Report data via HF (radio on 3.905MHz). New England WX Net every day except Sundays from 0530-0630 Eastern Times. We also have online reporting if HF conditions are marginal to poor. This can be seen at our website: http://www.newenglandweathernet.com
- I do not have any S/W available to send to other sites. Hopefully soon to get something going with this.
- NO
- Hopefully in the future.
Yes, I like the idea
Ambient Weather WS-900-IP (Wireless) reporting to weather underground via their ambient weather observerIP 4.1
Vantage Pro 2
I only report to wunderground.com
I use Virtual Weather
Yes, I would be willing
Lluvia España ,Santander
@ivo I use a NetAtmo weather station, with temp, wind, air quality, dew etc data. I can send a link to you which will give u access to my data in real time. Alternatively my data is always available on the NetAtmo public platform (map).
I am located in Lagonissi, Attica, Greece. -
- Fine Offset with Solar
- Yes - personal Cumulus software based site, Weatherunderground, MetOffice and others
- CumulusMX software running on a RasPi and provides multiple feeds. The station is Linked to a Webcam, which is already displayed on Windy.
- My feed to Weatherunderground is also indirectly utilised via its API by the "PWS Monitor" smartphone app (showing graphical results). Cumulus software is no longer fully supported so it may be difficult to make use of it to feed directly to Windy.
- Yes, already doing so.
@ivo Rád poskytnu informace z mé meteostanice Emos 😉
Ian interested to contribute. I don't have a weather station as yet, could you please 'recommend one.
I live in Cairns far north Queensland Australia. I follow quite a few weather channels especially in at this time of year with cyclones around.
Go well
Bruce -
Perfect timing! Installed Fine Offset WH2900 clone yesterday. About 50kilometres south of Bruce Zell in Cairns. Not reporting to anyone yet. Will follow with interest.
Cheers,Ray. -
I have a netatmo weather station, reports go to weather underground via the meteoware website, and also goes to met office weather observing website.
I have a Davis Vantage Pro 2
I report to CWOP as station AT 631, Amateur Radio call N1JJK-2.
I send the station out over APRS using a Kantronics KPC 3 modem into an Amateur 2 meter radio. The station has the APRS accessory in it.
The API must be simple to set up. As it is, the Weatherlink software supplied by Davis will not work to send out the packets. Too complicated to set up so I abandoned it in favor of APRS over radio.
I would welcome the open data option, open to anyone who wants it.