Layer Clarification
Is the layer "Radar/Lightning" a full layer of current radar with individual markers for current lightning or is it something different? I believe it is but I need clarification for a conversation in the office.
@mtesta Correct, the radar/lightning layer is current radar with current lightning strikes on the map.
So further clarification. The 'Lightning radar' is radar for lightning. The list below is radar for those named weather conditions? In other words, 'Wind' is Wind radar? If you selected 'Thunder, rain' you would see the picture for radar of thunder, rain? 'Rain accumulation' would be the radar for rain amounts? I guess what I am asking is, the entire list is radar for each element?
@malibusue No, not every layer is a "radar". Radar/lightning layer is Doppler radar with real time lightning strike indications. The rest of the layers are forecasts from weather models.