Solved Belgian border is generating output in storm, lightning map for MF
The border of the Belgian country is producing output in the radar, lightning map of MF. It's as if the borderlines are used as a faulty input for this map.. 12 febr 2019 16:09 GMT+1
Yes, this produces a very strange effect with « rain » spots just along the Belgian border.Looking to the 12 h display, they don’t move together with the precipitation echoes and at the moment there is no rain shown by MF radar in France or Belgium. It could be interferences with KMNI radar in Netherlands. This can occur with WiFi equipments not at the right standard. -
@idefix37 Thanks for the report, difficulties with watermark removal. The borders are still visible in the postprocessed radar image. I have disabled this source for now, it should be fine since surrounding countries covers Belgium just fine.
OK it’s much cleaner now.