Windy launches Map Annotations and screenshot view
Windy gives you full right to use any videos, animations or screen captures, in any media, project or any other intellectual work for free as long as the sentence "source:" is present in media.
Map annotations
But now we go even further. Map annotations at let you make nice, shareable link. Send this link to anyone, to show him weather situation, that is so interesting. So if you like weather maps with fronts, draw them and share them. All the annotations are published as Creative Commons, because our mission is to help the others.Since almost nobody used annotations, we have canceled this feature as of version 20.9.0
If you want to make nice screenshot of Windy page yourself use lo launch the page, without any UI elements.
Screenshot page can be also launched with some handy parameters in the URL, so use for example,14.467,5,i:pressure where query string has the same meaning as usual.
Screenshots can be also launched with annotations open or set up for high particles.
Examples:;?50.083,14.467,5;highParticles:true?50.083,14.467,5Enjoy new features and let us know how do you like them
@ivo Thank you so much Sir! Your effort is amazing and precious for anyone in this planet!