Unsolved Missing CAP Alerts
CAP alerts in the US are not accurate. Right now Windy shows no CAP Alert in Washington, DC, for instance:
However, there is an upcoming alert:
(Also note that the wrong "type of danger" is indicated in the map, as noted in more detail here: https://community.windy.com/topic/7101/windy-is-experimenting-with-cap-alerts-weather-warnings/16)
Looks like that alert might not be reflected in the map because the last update to the CAP Alerts was a long time ago:
But given their importance, if CAP Alerts cannot be/are not updated much more frequently, perhaps the user should be notified that they are out of date...
Actually, I can't tell what's going on, but there are definitely bugs to be sorted out. This was seen at about 11:17am ET:
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