Cloud Bases, Cloud Tops, Freezing Level -- should be shown in MSL
Cloud Bases, Cloud Tops, Freezing Level are all currently displayed as Above Ground Level (AGL). To be a reasonable aid for pilots, they should (must, pretty much) be recalculated and displayed in Mean Sea Level (MSL). Please!
I love Windy... it's an absolutely GREAT product... but this issue (displaying AGL when it should be MSL) is quite annoying (and possibly dangerous).
Wayne -
The AGL value is a situational awareness tool for assessing flight conditions suitability within an area. Windy only provides general situational-awareness and forecast trend-mapping, flight safety and go/no-go decisions are always the PIC’s responsibility. Resolutions of WX models are unsuitable for definitive flight decisions. Providing cloud base in MSL sans reference to terrain altitude in MSL along a planned route’s altitude and intended track would actually be more confusing and less useful than providing the cloud base and cloud tops in AGL. AGL is the appropriate value for an initial area WX assessment of the flight conditions. And given Windy's not a flight planning tool per-sec I can't see why MSL would be more suitable or useful. Plus it's not just pilots who use the cloud information.
You're clearly not an IFR pilot who finds this stuff incredibly useful. Freezing level is useful to people flying in cloud. When in cloud, you fly at a level. Apart from safety height ("I'm somewhere more than 1000ft above the highest terrain nearby"), the terrain is unknown. Knowing the freezing level as a MSL level is 1000x more useful because this is what it's used for.
@OzRunways @waynemcc Hello, thank you for your input, we will think about that.