Weather Photo Of The Month: December 2018 Winner
As you've probably already noticed, we are running the photo of the month contest. Photographers and weather geeks can submit their weather related pics or video footage to the contest, we publish the pictures in our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter feeds, and you can vote for the winner alongside our 300k+ strong base of fans and followers.
Who won the POTM title in December?
Before we get to the results of December contest, we have to admit that all eleven submissions we received in December were really great and we all enjoyed them here in our headquarters. And lot of people did so when they appeared in their feeds on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
So, if you are one of the eleven authors who entered the contest and you didn't make it to the top, don't worry. Just see your score in the chart below, which represents the number of the people who liked it so much they couldn't help to engage with your photo, to like it, share it with their friends or leave a comment (all of that counts as a vote). Anyway, there's only one photo of the month...
And the winning picture is...
The picture that moved the most hearts in December is the beautiful shot of the shelf cloud seen below. Big congrats to Giuly Merlo (follow him on Twitter and Instagram) who took this beautiful picture in Palermo, Italy. You are the winner of the Windy POTM title for December (expect follow up email from us soon).
Giuly Merlo: Mammatus clouds in Palermo
Here's the full chart including scores (total votes), scroll down below the chart to see all eleven pictures.
Author Score Links 1 Giuly Merlo Mammatus clouds in Palermo 619 2 Giuseppe Campa Shelf cloud in Bordeaux 507 3 Cecilia Etchepare Mammatus in Santa Fe, Argentina 502 4 Matías Linares Storm coming to Paysandú, Uruguay 455 5 Salvatore Giunta Thunderstorm in Nice 429 6 Harrison Gates Lighting storm in Hitchcock, Texas 364 7 Alex Nik Lightning in Kyiv, Ukraine 347 8 Joseph P Hunt Irish Winter in Killargue, Ireland 326 9 Donna Bare Boatyard storm in Placida, Florida 269 10 José Luis Barato Pérez Tsunami in Pampaneira-Granada, Spain 267 11 Tomas Pesek Evening view in Prague, Czechia 257 < -