Use Windy layer over our own map
is it possible to have a map like Google map or Here map and to display Windy informations over it.
Like the "Satellite" layer view in Google map.
Thank you.
Would it be better? This is what exists in Windy now, compared to the Google map and its satellite images:
Windy's Map:
Google's Map:
Google's Satellite:
Then when you zoom out a bit:
Windy's Map:
Google's Map:
Google's Satellite:
But when you zoom out further the overlay colors will washout the satellite image's colors. Meanwhile the essential geographic features are still visible in Windy anyway for weather-related purposes:
The satellite image is going to be covered with a colored wash from the overlay on top, but it will also interfere with the overlay's color display and detail if there's a transparency factor used to show both of them (maybe a slider to find the best mix of the two):
But Windy is already displaying the major topographical and human features anyway through the weather overlay - in this case the 'Rain Accumulation' overlay:
Would a satellite background be better for weather forecast detail? Probably not.
But a satellite background sure would look good behind some overlays like clouds and snow for instance if there was transparency where no information was being displayed (plus an On/Off button for the satellite layer).
You have the choice to use the default map or a satellite view.
Just select Settings and scroll down the list. Then change the Background map type.
But both background maps are only available at low zoom levels.As @WXcycles said, I do not see the benefit of using this map type. But you may prefer it...
thank you for your answers.
My problem is that I work for a map provider, we develop our own map and I want to add the Windy layer keeping my map.
I want to let our customers to activate or not the weather using Windy API.
In my first post, I used Google Map as an example but we only want to use Windy layer on our map (and eventually on Here map).
Is it possible ?
@tsc How would you manage to do it ? kindly share me the details if you have achieved it.
@kaleshazoom @global-former_user @idefix37 @kaleshazoom @tsc Hello, implementing Windy API into an app is forbidden unless the app has an added value. More details can be found in our ToU -