No Data
Hi @Mconniff , please could you be more specific? What weather layer? What device, OS, etc.? Any screenshot? Thank you!
@Mconniff I see, you mean Radar...
The "no data" hatched area means that for a particular time (indicated by the time-slider) there was no data provided by the radar. Which means, our connection to them is OK, but they were not sending/transmitting any data for that particular time period.
As you can see on the screenshot, each radar works on its own, so the situation may be different even within one country:
It looks like the majority of the USA has been "no data" for about 1-2 days now. Any update why?,40.830,-93.384,5
This is what I see right now:
However, this is weird:
The only difference is zoom: from 5 to 6.
We will investigate it.
Things seem much better now. In future is there a better way to call attention to the "no data" where it's obviously a problem (and not a "blip")?
@drsprite I think you did just great, thank you! :)
It's always important to name the problem, describe the situation including info about the device, OS, weather layer etc., and ideally add a screenshot.
Hi, I would like to point out that the Italy radar does not work because the Italian civil protection has changed the address of the link relative to the radar page. This is the new link: -
Hi @Giovanni6 , I've already replied to your email, the Radar in Italy is working now. :)
@Marienka Great, thanks! Looks like majority of the USA is down again. Last few hours or so.,40.830,-93.384,5
KMUX radar in Santa Clara county (SF Bay Area, California) is fully operational but the Windy app has been showing no data on and off all week. Be nice to know Windy is aware of the problem. Haven't read the entire thread yet so perhaps they are already aware.
@Marienka Thank-you very much for getting back with my post I wasn't sure anyone would reply so quickly. I understand that the program can only show what it is being fed, so if a radar is down or an area isn't updated then... I get it now, I had to do a little more research. However, what got me was the entire country had no data, not just one area or radar.
So I was trying to understand whether the issue was on the ground or with 'Windy' itself.
Hi @Mconniff , you're welcome. In fact, as it turned out, the cause of this problem was a mix of both (on the ground and with Windy itself). Our team is continuously monitoring this issue and some fixes have already been made. If any further problem occurs, please let us know here in this public forum. Thank you!
@Mconniff do you confirm still no data for radar non italy?
ome fixes have already been made. If any further problem occurs, please
In the netherlands the same problem occurs in the nord holland region. It seems there is no data available of some days now. But if you look at the Dutch local radar site the data is measured and available..
Hi @Marienka, the North West part of Holland doesn't have weather radar data for a long time now, while other weather radar station do have data here. It is an important part of the Netherlands and includes Amsterdam and surroundings. Can you have a look why this data is missing? It use to work perfect in the whole country. Thx.
I know, the topic is quite old, but I need to report this becaus it's exactly the area i'm interested the most.
As you can see on the screenshot there is a small "no data" area in my region in italy (weather radar).
It's not just a particular time period, it's always the same small area, regardless whether on Android App or desktop browser.
another screenshot
Radar data available right now on the same area:
I do confirm that this area shows no data right now