A proposal of cooperation
Hi there
I'm writing on behalf of our amateur radio team heading for the most remote island in the world - Bouvet Island. I'd like to ask the Windy.com Team is there any chance to ask for a personalized widget that would display our amateur radio callsign (3YØI) and web address (https://bouvetoya.org) placed on your widget with predictions for Bouvet island.
The expedition itself is a huge international event followed by hundreds of thousands of people around the world. It's been 30 years since the island has been visited and "activated" on amateur radio bands and it's placed as #2 on the so-called "The DXCC most wanted list" of amateur radio entities - preceded - understandably - only by North Korea.
In return for the personalized widget, we can offer a wide international interest in your apps (we receive ca. 30-50k unique IPs a month with a very small outbound number of visitors) + your logo at our website to advertise your services.
Since the team is about to land at the island, I'd be grateful for your fast reply.
Greetings and looking forward to your reply.
Stan Strzyżewski, Poland
Email: stan . sp8s /at/ gmail . com -
SP8S good morning!
I just want to ask if you plan to install any automatic weather station in Bouvet.
Please read https://community.windy.com/topic/5765/bouvet-islandThank you!
@Gkikas-LGPZ said in A proposal of cooperation:
Hi there
Only the Norwegian authorities could be in charge of that. The island is a strict nature reserve and we're not authorized to leave any equipment behind.
Stan SP8S -
PS. I forgot to add there is already a meteo station installed and that's how eg. YR gets meteo data. It's located nearby place called Nynørsa approx. S 54.4119, E 3.2887. However the station will not provide live public readouts., I reckon.
Stan SP8S