Bug in the model switcher display ?
I noticed a problem with the model switcher (bottom right of windy.com).
It becomes invisible when my plugin is opened.Steps to reproduce:
- go to windy.com - the model switcher is displayed
- Install windy-plugin-sounding,
- right click on the map and select "better sounding" - the switcher is pushed out of the screen to the right (no more visible)
- close the plugin, the switcher stays invisible
- Open detailed forecasts (ie bottom bar) - the switcher re-appears
- now you can open/close the plugin, the switcher remains visible.
It might well be a problem with my plugin. However
- I haven't noticed it before (first noticed yesterday or 2 days ago),
- I tried an older version of my plugin, still has the same bug,
- As noted before, openning/closing detailed forecasts "fix" the problem.
Thanks for your help
Strange will check. Is that hidden with CSS or it is removed from DOM?
@vicb said in Bug in the model switcher display ?:
There is a BUG in plugin
module.exports = { displayName: "Better Sounding", hook: "contextmenu", dependencies: [ "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/d3@5/dist/d3.min.js", "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/preact@8/dist/preact.min.js", ], // REMOVE THIS className: "plugin-lhpane plugin-mobile-fullscreen", exclusive: "lhpane", };
REMOVE THIS .onwindy-plugin-sounding { .left-border { left: @width; } #search { display: none; } }
@ivo I can not remove the lines you pointed out because I want the plugin to be on the left hand side.
The class are expected and what is used in the left pane example.
I have investigated a little more and figure out that the problem come from the fact that I load the detail plugin (to get access to the "meteogram" dependency).
const meteogram = W.require("plugins") .detail.load() .then(() => { W.define("sMeteogram", ["meteogram", "Class"], function(m, c) { return c.extend(m, { legend: () => this, }); }); return W.require("sMeteogram"); });
The detail plugin is probably exclusive for the bottom pane hence the issue.
I ended up loading
instead and it fixed my issue.Thanks !