Please put lighting spots on the map!
How about to show lighting spots on the map like this:
Lightnings are already available on (if you select "Radar, lightning" symbol).
It is true that lightning symbols on the map are relatively small.
@developers must consider to make those symbols a little larger.
That's really strange to say that I don't see any lightning symbol over any Brazil's land area :(
Windy displays real time lightning data from
Unfortunately lightning detectors network is very sparse over S. America.
Oh, that's awful!
I'd say it'd be better to enrich more lightning strike map source than only get data from as shown on -
Do you know if the lightnings provided in this site, are real observations
and if those data are free? -
I use this
It is in real time. -
At my area yes it's in real time. Every single lighting strike over my city it's shown about 5 minutes later. -
Unfortunately there isn't coverage from that source on my country (Brasil) :(
@Gkikas-LGPZ I really don't know if the lighting strike data is for free. I'll send a email to the developer asking them about that.
@KatherinesMethow is an additional service to the main project -
According to ANAC (National Civil Aviation Agency-Brazil)
there is a lightning events site over South America named "raiosonline" -
... also, the University of Washington in Seattle, USA
operates the World Wide Lightning Location Network
but, with only 40 lightning location sensors worldwide
and with a 30-minute delay in the data.P.S. Blitzortung provides more than a thousand sensors and less than 5 sec data delay .
I think that Brazilians can contribute in Blitzortung project to cover the area
of South America. -
That site "raiosonline" is a pure trash! Hahaha. Several lightning strike events are fake.
I've finally found the source of the lightning strike map for South America:
To get the data, Windy's ADM need to get contact to:
Prof Robert Holzworth, Earth and Space Sciences, University of Washington
(WWLLN Data available: WWLLN Monthly CDs containing all stroke locations over the whole world for 1 month. Those are mailed to subscribers each month, or they may opt to download the data weekly. Archival data are available for sale from August 15, 2004 to the present. Our site hosts receive a free monthly subscription.
WWLLN Data are available via internet with cadence every 10 minutes for research purposes from the University of Washington, or with a cadence of as fast as every minute (i.e. in realtime) from our commercial reseller. Contact Prof. Holzworth for more info.)
Long ago I've notified you about
here: I read in
"WWLLN has a 30-minute delay in the data" and
"presently they have only 40 sensors, worldwide".You say they provide near real time data (every 1 minute). Is it for free?
@LucianoGIS @Gkikas-LGPZ I have been in touch with Prof. Holzworth regarding the data from WWLLN. Unfortunately, their data are quite expensive for us at this moment (several ten thousands of $). We are planning to add some alternative solution, which we hope will have better coverage.
@LucianoGIS @TomSlavkovsky
Luciano, it'd be great if you could contribute in Blitzortung project to cover your area.
Think about it!