Not real storm bands
There are some storm bands that are not real. For instance in Barcelona - Spain, in the sea. Can it be fixed up?
![alt text](image url)
This is probably due to interferences with WiFi equipment RLAN, which use the same frequency 5 GHz as the meteorological radars. See a similar problem in the Netherlands: sure that Windy can fix it.
Also, those spikes may refer to "non-weather targets" like:
Solid obstacles such as mountains or buildings,
Ground and sea clutter
Reflections from buildings if the radar is close enough to a city (called urban spikes).Each of them has their own characteristics that make it possible to distinguish them to the trained eye but they may fool a layman.
@idefix37 those spikes are other radar users beams.
Probably mountains in the north part of Mallorca and/or wifi antennas at location "A"
interfere with wx. radar and produce those non-weather targets (B).
wx. radar locatios:
@SergiGrifol this easy-to-read article explains the radar interference very nicely.
🥏 China 19.9.23 17:00 MEZ - Some orographic measurement?