Report your Weather Station Data to Windy
I got my station up and running through Weather Display Software (ID: f06afffe). But there are some things I don't understand when viewing this website on my desktop PC.
1.I have to select "nearest weather stations" to bring up a box with all the nearby stations. I found my station and set it as a favorite. Why is there a message on my station banner at the bottom of the weather map that says "There is duplicate station D5731?
2. When setting up the station it is not clear what station ID is supposed to be. I first set mine to "Exeter". But I see all other stations nearby are using the format like the duplicate station D5731 Where are they getting these ID's? I just made up a number since then and now it's called "D2657: Exeter". Is this what everyone else is doing? Just making up ID's? My f06afffe doesn't seem to have this letter followed by 4 number format.
3. If I set my station as my startup page, it always starts up zoomed out showing entire US. If I zoom in I see the last number in the URL changes from 5 to 8. If I save my bookmark with 8 at the end to start up zoomed in, it reverts to 5 zoomed out when I reload the page. If I change the start up location to GPS, it will save my last zoom value 8 but now centers on the flashing ISP dot. And how do I get rid of the flashing dot showing my ISP location (IP address origin)?Geez...I'm not even sure how I found my way in this thread.
@markdj pues yo tengo una netatmo y la he podido poner sin problema,lo unico que no se ven los datos del pluviómetro,del resto si
Hi there!
I have a Netatmo account with two stations far apart. How can I include both of them on Windy? So far when I've tried it displays only one of them and there is no way to see both or even to choose which one I want to post data from. Thanks. -
Support for pywws-supported stations is also coming
My station is reporting through that for some hours now
With which GET-name can I send the air quality (PM2.5 PM10)?
I'm not quite clear. Is the implication that one must run a script on a local system which collects your pws data and then posts that data to windy via the URL and key indicated ( ?
Or is there a means to point the windystation (Green Lake - South Shore ID: f068b634) to your pws data stream? ....via your pws MAC (84:F3:EB:21:17:03), from your station on weatherunderground (KWIRIPON11) or what?
I am running one of the ubiquitous ambient weather stations.
Appreciate the clarifications.
...anyone? :/ ...I won't be ignored! ;)
ID: f06d568a
ایستگاه هواشناسی گنو خودکار هستند البته موقت است نگاه بندارید آنلاین هستند هر ساعت یکبار بروزسانی میشود -
Can someone explain why my weatherstation is only showing up on the map, and showing reported conditions for only 6 to 12hrs in a day?
Meteobridge is stating its successfully uploading the data every 15mins.
This has been an on going issue for the past two weeks.
There is now a code showing in the Meteobridge log.
Error code: "2019-12-19 11:59:42 Error: 2019-12-19 11:59:29 Read error (Connection timed out) in headers. (no more tries)". -
@gavsta40 Mine is doing the same as well.
2019-12-18 20:35:47 Error: 2019-12-18 20:35:31 Read error (Connection timed out) in headers. (no more tries) -
@galfert Thanks to your comprehensive explanation, which helps me too. My PWS ist a clone of sold here as „Eurochron EFWS2900“. As I found out, there are many varieties of so called Wifi-PWS, which are primarily designed as stand alone systems. However, as soon as you want to look at some data collections, you will have to establish a wifi connection in order to send these data to at least one of the dedicated servers you mentioned here.
In order to connect these types of Wifi-PWS, the procedure is not so trivial. Fine Offset provides the App „WS View“ in Google play store or Apple App Store, which does the job. It first establishes the Wifi connection from the PWS to your home access point and has a set of predefined upload procedures for, Wunderground, Weathercloud, WetherobservationWebsite, and finally a costumized procedure, which in itself chooses between two protocol types: Ecowitt or Wunderground.
After I decided to share my data, I thought, that it should be pretty easy to connect to my (for me as a sailor most valuable service) Windy: You have to enter the hostname, a path, which - in my idea - could harbour the Api-Key, a station ID and the station key. In addition a port number is required and the upload interval in seconds. But an error occures, which tells me the following:Station ID & Key length : 40
Server length : 64
Path length : 64
Port Range : 0-65535
Interval Range : 16-600So, path length is far too short for bearing the API-Key.
This is a pity!!
It would be nice, if either you adopt your interface to the limits of WS View, or come into contact with the Company in order to integrate another predefined procedure, which is suitable for Windy.
OTOH, as you offered the solution to install WeeWx on a Raspberry Pi, you hit my preferences perfectly!! For me it is much much much easier to handle with a Raspberry Pi than dealing with so many incompatible weather data exchange protocols, similar to the early stage of Compuserve Email (which I still know pretty well) you mentioned. Your point to WeeWx however, gives me the idea, that I could collect my data without the need of sharing. Thus, I better focus on my collection of RaspPis, fixing some issues for introducing my AIS device into OpenCPN and use Windy only for planning my sailing routes. And I should not „pollute“ these precious Windy data with my PWS.
At least, as long it is much too complicated for greenhorns like me. -
I have a Bloomsky-2 and Storm that I can't seem to get up and running on I get A "success" when I enter the following GET https:// but nothing shows. If I add values then those values only are displayed. My station ID is f069cbe5.
Hi, I'm a newbie, I have my station that works by Graphweather.
Is there a way to upload data to Windy by Graphweather?
If yes , how?
Thanks a lot
Best regards -
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Dear support,
yesterday I set up my first station with ID: f067927b
Data upload is through cURL POST command in my Ubuntu server every 5 minutes.
Posted data are in JSON format, response code from server is 200.When I want to see the data, nothing loads up:,13.755,8,i:pressureIf I select any nearby location a click on nearest stations, my station is not listed too.
Can you please give me some advice? Thank you in advance!
OndrejUpdate: When I download all stations data from the link "", I see that my station have "observations" element set to "null". Please help!
Update 2: I created a new station with ID: 1, redirected sending to that station and still no data with observations "null" element. Finally I decided to delete the new station and reverted sending back to station ID: 0. After 10 minutes, the observations started to WORK and showing past measurements too! GREAT! But I do not know where was the problem :-/
Hello Ondrej,
you station is sending data correctly now, you could have had a mistake in station ID, instead of f067927b, you need to put '0' or '1' as the number of your station. -
Windy Support,
I just set up my station (f07efd5e) a couple of hours ago. I can see at that my data is uploading. However, when I attempt to see my station on the Windy map at,-95.243,8,i:pressure, I'm able to see my Madis reporting station, but not the PWS station as I would expect. Also, the bottom quarter of the screen where meteograms and station info are displayed is just white with a spinning circle.
Any idea why this is happening? Is it because I have only a couple of hours of data?
I have created a small PowerShell script that sends data to the GET URL. But I am having trouble with the precip parameter. The reason is that this parameter is "preciptation over the past hour". Hmm. That is difficult to calculate without some programming. Why not just get precipitation as an absolute number of mm / inches since 1st January 00:00? Then you can, yourself, calculate the amount for the last hour or whatever period you want. I assume you collect data and stores to a database and then it will be easy for you to calculate this value.
Suggestion: Parameter absprecip = 0.0 at 1st January 00:00 UTC and then increasing as an absolute value until 31st December 23:59:59... :-)
Will that be possible.
Roland Lyngvig
Hillerød Vejr
Denmark -
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