Report your Weather Station Data to Windy
@mitchellkrog said in Report your Weather Station Data to Windy:
Hello, it usually takes several hours till it is displayed on the map.
Hello I have a ecowitt weather station and have generated an api but I don’t know how to get my weather station sending data to can anyone help me please ?
@annerobeson Hello, I would recommend to try CumulusMX -
Hi I have just got a ambient weather ws2000.
Have got windy id and api ,but what url do I enter into my station etc to get online .
Am sending to ambient and wunderground ok -
@twitch64 Hello, please see this post -
Hi there! I'm programming a weather station myself using an ESP8266 controller reading Davis anemometer/vane data. I don't know how to work with Json framework but I can already send data using GET method and would like to know if it's possible to send data using this method for 2 different stations. It seems that we can retrieve data from Windy using .../API-KEY/STATION_ID but I'm not sure if I could use GET method to send data using the same approach. I'll try anyway but maybe someone could help me on this first :)
@renato-elias nevermind... just found out how to do... we just need to add the station=id as part of the GET string. It's working ;)
So basically this means that Windy has no easy to use set up to add the API of your weather station to their page? Windguru and Wunderground do, very easily. why doesnt it windy too?
@lautarojg Hello, adding your station to Windy is easy, all you need to do is to register it at and send us your data. In some cases, you will need additional software depending on your station's type.
Hi guys, I need some help to diagnose an issue I have with POST JSON data of my station. Here is my request:
body: "{"observations":[{"station":0,"temp":23.1}]}"
and i get
body: "ERROR: no params"
Is my JSON format correct? I'm using Node-Red to compile the message and post it.
Good afternoon, colleagues!
I am addressing you with what seems to me a non-standard question.
The situation is as follows - when trying to send data to the site, difficulties arise, what they are connected with, I can’t understand, but I hope for your experience.
I have developed a software and hardware complex for meteorological monitoring based on a microprocessor platform, a sensor unit and a GSM modem for data transmission using GPRS technology.
As a GSM modem, I use the SIM900 module.
The GSM modem is controlled using AT commands.
Sending was tried to be carried out both using the TCP/IP functions, and using the HTTP functions.
That is, by sending a regular GET request in this format:фX?winddir=n&wind=n"
Where n is the corresponding value of the specified parameter.
According to the latest modem responses, as far as I understand, the error lies in the incorrect reception of the sent request, that is, the server cannot process it - HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request.
But at the same time in the browser such a request is processed without problems.
I'm sure this system will work because the two sending methods - TCP/IP and HTTP - will do a great job of sending data to
Therefore, I dare to assume that the error may be on the server side, or I am not connecting to it correctly, or for some other reason I cannot get through to the server, or he really does not like my request, or something else.
Usually, when connecting to the server, the command looks like this:AT+CIPSTART="TCP","","80"
By analogy, I also specify for the site
But the result is negative, I tried to specify the IP, if I understood correctly:
But nothing.
I also tried the HTTP method in GET request format:AT+HTTPPARA="URL",""
But also not effective, I tried many options, there were errors 303, 603 and 400.
Can anyone come across with the organization of such methods of sending? Or understands how to organize it correctly, I will be very grateful.
Below I attach the code of the program, as well as a screenshot of an attempt to send data and responses from the module.TCP/IP function:
If the URL is "" and the TCP is "api.", then everything works.AT+CPIN? AT+CSQ AT+CREG? AT+CGATT? AT+CSTT="internet" AT+CIICR AT+CIFSR AT+CIPSTART="TCP","","80" AT+CIPSEND
HTTP function:
Screenshot of an error when using the TCP/IP function:
Thanks a lot in advance!
@Vladyslav-Lebediev Hello, what type of weather station do you use? You probably need additional software to be able to send us data.
@Korina Hi! I use a homemade weather station with my software.
I'm trying to send data using the API, but unfortunately your server cannot process my request correctly, or my weather station still cannot connect to your server. It is possible that I am not specifying the correct port when connecting to the server.
May I know your IP, API and possibly port? -
Hi, I have 2 weather stations registered in my account. And they work fine. However, I want to add a 3rd one. When I fill in all the fields and click on Save, the station is not added to the list of stations I have. I am redirected to the page listing my stations, but the newly added station is not there. No specific error or success message is shown.
Is there any limitation on the number of stations a user could add, e.g. 2? Or is there something broken in the add station functionality on Windy? Thanks for your replies!
@mtkrastev Hello, I just tested adding a new station and everything worked as expected. What browser are you using? Also, did you fill out all the fields?
@Vladyslav-Lebediev Hello, all the necessary details are stated at We cannot provide IP. I suggest trying a third party software.
@Korina Hi, I tried with recent versions of both Firefox and Chrome. I filled in all the fields. Actually, I tried adding a new station at least 5 times, and it never worked. Not really sure what to try next.
@mtkrastev Could you let me know your station's ID?
@Korina Hi, the stations IDs are f05140f8 and 1f05140f8.
@mtkrastev Please try to clear the browser cache. Also, could you post a video showing the error with adding the station?