Report your Weather Station Data to Windy
Is there any weather station software that can input multiple weather stations and send the data to windy?
K Korina referenced this topic on
Hello, are there any list of compatible weather stations? I am planning to create my own diy weather station and then reporting it to windy. Is it possible? Or there is any kind of standard weather stations?
@marcosimonetti said in Report your Weather Station Data to Windy:
@idefix37 said in Report your Weather Station Data to Windy:
Values of Rain:Here are the values currently displayed, rain is missing.
Hi @Korina and all
could you please write me the specifications of all the parameters that I can send on windi with update request ( etc etc..........&stationId=0)?-
wind direction
rain (PARTIAL SUCCESS (valid measurements count: 4, valid station info count: 0 - unknown params: 'rain')
etc. etc
I hope to have this information... thanks
It's relevant information for me, THANK YOU!
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Hi, i'm Alessandro.
I want send my weather data on windy site. I'm using an ecowitt weather station and a GW1100 with an external software (cumulus mx) on raspberry pi 4.
Cumulus is started and i watch the dashboard with correct data. I have uploaded on cumulus mx, in third parts uploads, my api-key, id station =0, interval = 5 minutes and catch up is enable. But on windy map i don't see my station and my data, the station it wase create about 15 day's a go.
Many thanks for your help,
Alessandro. -
J Jordi JU referenced this topic on
J Jordi JU referenced this topic on
S Suty referenced this topic on
Is there a limit to how many (time stamped) observations can be uploaded in a single API call?
I'm planning to write a catch-up function similar to what is available for other wx online databases :)
Hi, is there a limit how many stations can be added via
with a single account? Currently, I can add only 2 stations. Once the second station is added, the button "+ Station" becomes inactive. Is this a bug or the limit is simply 2 stations?
@mtkrastev Can you share the screenshot with the situation? Do you see any error in the dev console of the browser?
Hi guys and thank you for opening your API for the community!
I'm developing a sandbox electronics assembly system and if you don't mind, I've featured Windy in the example for calling web APIs.
If you have any remarks, please let me know. It's here:!
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Hi, after extensive hardware redevelopment on my Arduino based pws, I'm trying to reestablish data postings to Windy. It used to work!
Are you able to see if my station f075fa74 is pushing data.Many thanks
@JMcilvenny Please check this station, it should be the mentioned one.
Hi Ondrej, yes, that is indeed my station. All the data currently present (at least for the last couple of weeks) has been "GET" sent to Windy via the API development software POSTMAN. This allowed me to prove my string structure. I am confident that what I'm sending (via the Arduino) is correct.After sending a test string, I do receive an 'HTTP/1.0 308 Permanent Redirect' reply, along with a 'Location:
Yet nothing presents on the Windy site.? -
@JMcilvenny Hi, I am sorry but I am not sure with colleagues what exactly you need from us now. However, you can check your stations and last observations here.
@Ondřej-Šutera Many thanks Ondrej.
I'll continue fault-finding on my side. (It must be something I'm doing wrong). -
I want to add the following station data to windy how do i do this?
@marcos2795 Please check this website, where you can add stations to Windy. If you need any further info, there is a whole thread about stations in general.
S Suty referenced this topic on
How does it work for Davis weatherlink?
how to delete a wrong data input?