Report your Weather Station Data to Windy
Have also deleted the original station and setup another one. Still no luck :(
@galfert said in Report you Weather Station Data to Windy:
@omicron You can run one of the following WeatherFlow compatible solutions. Basically they are weather software.
Meteobridge (needs host device to install to)
WeeWx + WeatherFlow UDP driver
Weather-Display software
Sorry, but still pay for other software, hardware or a lot of work just because I have to send my data to someone? Why does Windy not make her data model upside down and retrieve data from my API?
@Swigman said in Report you Weather Station Data to Windy:
Thanks for the reply. I have been using the "copy" button and pasted into a txt doc to confirm. So far i have captured 4 keys that differ in their last half or so?
Just tried with a different browser just in case and got another key?!Just to be sure are you getting your key from the following page? -
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@omicron said in Report you Weather Station Data to Windy:
@galfert said in Report you Weather Station Data to Windy:
@omicron You can run one of the following WeatherFlow compatible solutions. Basically they are weather software.
Meteobridge (needs host device to install to)
WeeWx + WeatherFlow UDP driver
Weather-Display software
Sorry, but still pay for other software, hardware or a lot of work just because I have to send my data to someone? Why does Windy not make her data model upside down and retrieve data from my API?
Your API? You mean the UDP broadcast protocol with your weather data that your station sends onto your local network only? How is Windy supposed to hook into that? You want them to write a program just for their service to run on your computer? That isn't the norm. Imagine if every domain you wanted to send an email to required that you install a separate email program to to send email there. No you use one email program that can send emails everywhere. Likewise people use various weather software (their choice depending on features and hardware compatibility )to send their weather data everywhere. You just have a basic station with some limited capabilities. Your manufacture made a weather station hardware and software solution to publish directly to some limited online weather services. If you want to do more with your station then you need to invest in the added hardware/software to take advantage of the capabilities that the manufacture designed into your station. Otherwise then your complaint shouldn't be with Windy...for it is not possible to do what you requested from the Internet with your local only API. Rather your concern should be with the manufacture of your station and you should ask them why they don't update the software/firmware of your device to support more services than when you purchased it. My analogy with email isn't exactly apples to apples but that is only because email has a published standard. With weather data we don't have that...yet. Every online service does things differently because they have different purposes and focus. Perhaps we are in the early days of email when it come to weather data, because before when if you wanted to send email to a Prodigy user then you had to be on Prodigy and if you wanted to send an email to Compuserv user then you needed to be on Compuserv...back then there was no integration of email.
Just letting everyone know I finally got my Windy working with galfert's help. We abandoned the meteobridge "Weather Network" method in favor of his HTTP with a few mods to what I was using. If you still need help get a hold of him but I will post his method here.
Follow these steps.Remember this is for Imperial and not metric. You will need to change this to suite you.
Go to Services tab on the Meteobridge Click on the Select Service drop down and select HTTP Request Click on Select Event Type drop down and select Periodical Click on Add Service Event button You'll now see new fields to fill in above for HTTP under Event Definition section Change frequency to Every 5 minutes Set Retry to 2 Retries Copy and Paste the following URL: Your very, very, very long Windy-API-Key goes here-XXX?winddir=[wind0dir-avg2]&windspeedmph=[wind0wind-avg2=mph]&windgustmph=[wind0wind-max10=mph]&tempf=[th0temp-avg5=F]&rainin=[rain0total-sum60=in.2]&baromin=[thb0seapress-min1=inHg.2]&dewptf=[th0dew-avg1=F]&humidity=[th0hum-avg1]&uv=[uv0index-avg5]
Remember to keep the "?" at the end of the API key -XXX?
Fill in Success: SUCCESS "In Caps as shown" Click on the Save button at the bottom ***Don't forget to disable the Windy upload in the "Weather Network" tab***
Go you your Windy page. Mine is as an example. Look for your Windy ID along with your lat-long or log in and enter it after /pws-
All credit goes to "Galfert" Many many thanks to Galfert for getting me up.
I am sure a fix is coming for those with the Meteobridge.
I said Go to your Windy page. Mine is as an example. Look for your Windy ID along with your "lat-long or log" in and enter it after /pws-"
You do not have to include your Lat-Long.
Hmmm seems my signature line is not working.
@galfert Sure am :)
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@Swigman @galfert I seem to be experiencing this as well. I'm pretty sure it does change (even if by design it should not) as I have copy-pasted into my application code. My API calls are still getting through from the previous code, but the code has changed since I originally copied it. Nothing else about my station has been updated.
btw - I'm looking into this since I'm successfully (API call is SUCCESS) sending data to Windy, but my station is not showing on the map :(
@ke5bme Thanks mate, how are you determining that the API calls are getting through? I am using Cumulus MX and have been via FTP sending to WU for years and that is all working so i am assuming that i am not having any firewall or routing issues from with in my network but it is hard to tell.
@Swigman I'm using the http GET API from the top of this page: (, replacing with my API key. The return code is SUCCESS and I see the data on the site, but my station never shows up.
I'm able to use the API from both POSTMAN as well as my java application.
@ke5bme Thanks, I am using the one Galfert linked to on the Cumulus MX site. i did was cut and paste and switched the xxx-api-key-xxx for the one from the station registration site.
So where are you 'seeing' the data on the site? I am checking via,130.891,8,i:pressure (which was the link from the station setup site)
All i get is the message at the bottom of the map about not getting observations form the period.
@Swigman Click this:,-97.783,8,i:pressure,p:off
You should see my data at the bottom, but my station doesn't show up on the map
I have a test version of Cumulus MX available that uploads to Windy natively - no need for a custom URL, and it converts units as required.
Details here...
Just saw this post regarding using an iPad. Seems like copying the API key is a bit tricky on the iPad (and iPhone is probably the same deal.) Recommendation is to use a computer. -
@ke5bme yup i see your data and a spot on the map for a location?
@mcrossley yup that is the link i am using and not getting anything :(
@Swigman The Custom HTTP works in Clumulus, but not if you use hPa for pressure or km/h for windspeed.
I was pointing out that I have a build of Cumulus MX avaialblethat uploads natively and does the conversions etc for you. Details at the end of that thread.
@mcrossley thanks mate, have pm'd.