Report your Weather Station Data to Windy
@Swigman @galfert I seem to be experiencing this as well. I'm pretty sure it does change (even if by design it should not) as I have copy-pasted into my application code. My API calls are still getting through from the previous code, but the code has changed since I originally copied it. Nothing else about my station has been updated.
btw - I'm looking into this since I'm successfully (API call is SUCCESS) sending data to Windy, but my station is not showing on the map :(
@ke5bme Thanks mate, how are you determining that the API calls are getting through? I am using Cumulus MX and have been via FTP sending to WU for years and that is all working so i am assuming that i am not having any firewall or routing issues from with in my network but it is hard to tell.
@Swigman I'm using the http GET API from the top of this page: (, replacing with my API key. The return code is SUCCESS and I see the data on the site, but my station never shows up.
I'm able to use the API from both POSTMAN as well as my java application.
@ke5bme Thanks, I am using the one Galfert linked to on the Cumulus MX site. i did was cut and paste and switched the xxx-api-key-xxx for the one from the station registration site.
So where are you 'seeing' the data on the site? I am checking via,130.891,8,i:pressure (which was the link from the station setup site)
All i get is the message at the bottom of the map about not getting observations form the period.
@Swigman Click this:,-97.783,8,i:pressure,p:off
You should see my data at the bottom, but my station doesn't show up on the map
I have a test version of Cumulus MX available that uploads to Windy natively - no need for a custom URL, and it converts units as required.
Details here...
Just saw this post regarding using an iPad. Seems like copying the API key is a bit tricky on the iPad (and iPhone is probably the same deal.) Recommendation is to use a computer. -
@ke5bme yup i see your data and a spot on the map for a location?
@mcrossley yup that is the link i am using and not getting anything :(
@Swigman The Custom HTTP works in Clumulus, but not if you use hPa for pressure or km/h for windspeed.
I was pointing out that I have a build of Cumulus MX avaialblethat uploads natively and does the conversions etc for you. Details at the end of that thread.
@mcrossley thanks mate, have pm'd.
@galfert I'm not sure but on the Cumulus wiki site there is a "3rd party" tool called "Toolbox" it does a lot of things for Cumulus 1 that CumulusMX does on it's own You might check it out for a quick fix while you delve into the CumulusMX world
@TomSlavkovsky Question: Wind direction, are you following the convention of 360 = North, 0 = Calm (no reading)?
Hi my station is showing on your map but there is no data at all, sending it via WeatherDisplay station,148.599,8,i:pressure
@f4phlyer Cumulus Toolbox is very good on what it does, but does not offer that function.
this has been resolved (linux version of weather display)
stationId is listed a 32 bit integer but on the station information screen and on windy an ID is shown in what looks like hex.It's confusing for users who are configuring uploaders, they need to use an integer and that integer is not the id listed on the configuration page it's 0,1,...
@gearoid There are two things. The station ID which is public and the API key which is private. They are two different identifiers for different uses. You don't want your API key to be public. When you upload you do not use the station ID at all. The API key is all that is used to upload. Hopefully that clears up the confusion.
Weewx's windy extension takes an ID as one of its inputs along with the API Key.
It's that ID that I was referring to, it's neither the public station id nor the API Key.
The info part parameters of the protocol at the top of this topic also lists astation
(alternative names:si
) as one of the parameters.