Report your Weather Station Data to Windy
Lastly, here is what I get when I retrieve my data. Per below, observation data is null...
{"header":{"name":"Round Hill, Overland Park, KS","content":{"url":"","text":"FayIronmanWS"},"agl_temp":10,"agl_wind":10,"elev_m":322.48,"lat":38.970556,"lon":-94.649167,"stationType":"Davis Vantage Pro 2","shareOption":"Open","id":"f065e403","stationId":0,"type":"pws","updated":"2020-04-16T08:00:53.479Z","observation":{"avgFreqMin":7.231182795698925,"records":1,"avgDelayMin":5,"sumRows":186,"default":false,"latestObs":"2020-04-15T21:41:34.902Z"},"observationUpdated":"2020-04-15T21:41:34.902Z"},"data":null}
@Korina Hi, any thoughts on the above issue? Seems I'm doing everything right?! Thanks in advance!
@gfay63 Hi, what kind of software do you use for sending data to Windy? Example -
@Korina Hi! Thanks for the reply. I used Weathersnoop on a Mac Pro, and wrote an Applescript to push up the data every 7 minutes:
tell application "WeatherSnoop 5"
tell agent of first document
set MyAPIKey to "MyAPIKey"
set WeatherParams to ¬
"winddir=" & value of weather property "Wind Direction" & ¬
"&windspeedmph=" & value of weather property "Wind Speed" & ¬
"&windgustmph=" & value of weather property "10 Minute Wind Gust" & ¬
"&tempf=" & value of weather property "Outdoor Temperature" & ¬
"&rainin=" & value of weather property "Day Rain" & ¬
"&baromin=" & value of weather property "Barometric Pressure (Absolute)" & ¬
"&dewptf=" & value of weather property "Outdoor Dew Point" & ¬
"&humidity=" & value of weather property "Outdoor Humidity"
set WindyURL to "curl" & MyAPIKey & "?" & WeatherParams & "&stationId=0"
set WindyURLsafe to "" & "MYAPIKEY" & "?" & WeatherParams & "&stationId=0"
set myResult to do shell script WindyURL
end tell
end tell
set myTime to do shell script "date "
set myString to "----------Timestamp: " & myTime & "-----------" & linefeed & WindyURLsafe & linefeed & myResult
copy myString to stdoutIt's been running every 7 minutes for quite a while now. It sure seems like it's working! Here is the output from a few minutes ago:
----------Timestamp: Fri Apr 17 08:18:35 CDT 2020-----------
SUCCESS...and it sure looks like it's getting there!?
Thanks for your help. :)
@Korina Hi. Any thoughts on this? It seems to be posting perfectly. I am posting every 7 minutes now for a week. I get "SUCCESS" responses and other messages (e.g., if trying to do less than the 5 minutes). The site shows the updates are happening per the image above. But no data is being shown...I get the error in the screenshot in the post above.
I'd think if this can be resolved, it could be a great, easy solution that I could write up for all Weathersnoop users to be able to push up their weather station data! I am familiar with the wifi logger but it would conflict with Weathersnoop which is very powerful and customizable.
I'm a premium member. Can you or someone help me out, please? Thanks! I love Windy! :)
This post is deleted! -
@Dani-Pérez ya me explicarías como lo has conseguido? Por que me da todo ok pero.... nada de nada
@Orhan-Bulut Hi, I deleted your post, you should not display the API key publicly. What kind of station do you use and what is the ID?
@Belatz Hi, what problem do you have with the station?
@Korina aparece mi estación en el mapa pero no muestra los datos.
@Belatz Then you need to double check if you have API key inserted correctly.
I have been trying to get station 2f065b240 up and running with windy for a few days now. I’m running the latest WeeWx with the recommend plugin. The keys seem to be valid along with the data seems to be posing successfully. I have also tried to delete and add new stations with no difference. I did a GET in postman using the api key and station and appears to be getting some sort of data, but the site still has issues loading my station.
@BrianH78x said in Report your Weather Station Data to Windy:
Hello, it seems you are finally sending data to us -,-71.017,8
@Korina Awesome it works. Thanks!
@ivo tenemos en nuestra ciudad 36 estaciones meteorológicas transmitiendo a nuestro servidor, seria para nosotros un honor aportar esta info para ser utilizada por esta gran app, los datos pertenecen al Gobierno de la Pcia, a cargo del Ministerio de Agua y Energia, vamos a comenzar a subir los datos siguiento el manual de la API que uds proporcionan,.
@Korina tenemos en nuestra ciudad 36 estaciones meteorológicas transmitiendo a nuestro servidor, seria para nosotros un honor aportar esta información para ser utilizada por esta gran aplicación, los datos asociados al Gobierno de la Pcia, una carga del Ministerio de Agua y Energía, vamos a comenzamos a subir los datos seguimos el manual de la API que uds tuvo éxito.
@alfredo-g Hello, I think your stations would be a great addition to our portfolio. Please register the stations here and follow the instructions -
@omicron هاا د ککو
I'm trying to add my weather station to Windy:,14.279,8
but it is not showing on a map, and no data is displayed on the bottom of browser window.
Api returns SUCCESS when I send the data using for example:
Also in api I can see my data in json format, and it seems to be ok. The problem is that I can not access data using:,14.279,8
Could you please help?
@dmalic said in Report your Weather Station Data to Windy:
I'm trying to add my weather station to Windy:,14.279,8
but it is not showing on a map, and no data is displayed on the bottom of browser window.
Api returns SUCCESS when I send the data using for example:
Also in api I can see my data in json format, and it seems to be ok. The problem is that I can not access data using:,14.279,8
Could you please help?
Same here..
Created the station 1 - 1.5 hours ago..
Posting data with curl.
Actually I have only wind speed now.Posting with curl via linux$ms is my format..
sure $ms gives m/s value while posting.
I can see my station on map. but no values seems submitted even I got reply SUCCESS after posting
My station ID f062cde6Regards