Am I the only one?
I will apologize up front because I am probably just looking right past it but do the API docs need some improvement or ??
What are all the methods and values for anything? OK, I see that store.get('availLevels') will get me the levels but what are the valid values for say overlay or lang? So, is it store.set('graticule') = true ?? , overlays.temp.setMetric('F') ??
How about what is the event to trap when you move the datetime slider?
The console gives some good information but I think I should not have find some basics there.
Hi @powellbound, you are right, documentation could be much more informative and straightforward. On the other hand, we are developing Windy application very lively and we would must change the documentation with every new API release. Also, for now, API is intended primarily for skilled users. We will improve and make API more accessible for all users in the future, but it is not a priority now. So sorry for all complications and feel free to ask any your question here.
I do not think you are the only one :-) I am pretty sure many of our API users had the same feeling, but also we have many satisfied API users.
Thanks for the reply @marekd. I completely understand your priorities (what developer really wants to write documentation ;) ) and I am slowly slugging through things and figuring things out.
I am pretty sure some solid docs would end up with more people using and building on and that can only be a good thing for you guys. I am happy to help if you want...