Feature request
An even better method would be one where I could get back data based on the overlay I pass in:
Something like: overlay.getData(lat, lon, 'wind') or overlay.getData(lat, lon, 'temp') then it would not matter what overlay I was on...
Good news:
The interpolator function has been added in the latest API. Documented here:
https://github.com/windycom/windy-plugins/tree/master/examples/09-reading-weather-valuesThx Windy team!!
@rittels So, those are in Windy plugins, not the page API, right?
I have never written a plugin. Do I need visual studio or ??
Interpolator function has now been added to the API. However, it is not in the windyAPI object but in W.
short example:
const {interpolator} = W; broadcast.on("redrawFinished", e=>{ interpolator(interfun=>{ let mc=map.getCenter(); //pass your coords to the interpolator function console.log("Weather at map center: ", interfun({lat: mc.lat,lon: mc.lng})); }) })
That worked and got me way ahead of where I thought I'd be. Thanks so much!!
Question though, I am having trouble with other Leaflet methods and the console is telling me the requested method does not exist but I am clearly following the code per the Leaflet docs. Is there something limiting my access to certain things because I am not using the paid API? As I get further along, I will be getting the paid version.
The specific code I am struggling with is:
let mnw = map.getNorthWest();
In fact, most of the map locations not map.getCenter() are not working.
Thanks again.
let mnw = map.getBounds().getNorthWest();
Ahhh. I am using leaflet 0.7.7, should I be using 1.4??
Windy API is Leaflet 0.7.7 at the moment.
Near future it will be updated to 1.4
Windy.com main site was updated to 1.4 few weeks ago.
Sorry about the confusion. API still 0.7.7, plugins 14.
Wanted to show getNorthWest() is method of LatLngBounds, not map. -
No worries, you have been a huge help. I was just unsure about the Leaflet version to use. I am looking forward to api 19!
Thanks again!!