Aurora lights forecast as a new layer?
Here is Mikhail, another new user of Windity, who is quite blown away by the classy level of the service. Lots of kudos to Ivo and whoever else is contributing.
I have a layer request, that you might be interested in. Would you consider adding a Aurora lights forecast layer? The data is publicly available from NASA Space Prediction Center in ASCII format at 0.3deg resolution. Currently it is delivered only as 30 minutes forecast, but the 3 days forecast is coming soon (or perhaps even available on request). The forecast for the geomagnetic activity is available here:
It would blend exceptionally well with the cloud overlay, and would add a great value for the people looking where to observe Aurora lights (read tourists, hikers, etc). Clouds often are the major problem for Aurora observation.
Myself being a meteorologist and software developer I could give a hand in implementing it, if needed.
Any thoughts?
@mikhalit Well there should be new API soon so you can add this layer yourself
Sounds good, thanks