Solved Geopotential isolines
Until now it was only possible to display Geopotential isolines from ECMWF model. That was not possible with GFS. Today these isolines work perfectly with these 2 models ! Many thanks for the repair !!
Even more it works with ICON too. But instead of levels expressed in metres, they seem to be in decimetres, ....or if they are in metres that corresponds to stratospheric altitude :)
At 500hPa, Geopotential heights are around 5500m.
With ICON layer, figures are around 55000 ??By the way Geopotential heights (isohypses) are often in decametres (dam) and 5500m=550dam.
And now a nice future feature would be to add a Geopotential height layer, not only as isolines.
@idefix37 It is a bug, it is not divided by ~10. We will fix it. Thank you for reporting!
@idefix37 It should be now fixed.
Please consider using different contour intevals.