North Sea offshore installations, old data.
In the North Sea Ekofisk area some old installations can be removed and 3 are missing on the "Airports" layer.
Removed installations are:
ENXC Cod, ENXS Albuskjell A, ENXF Albuskjell F, ENXD Ekofisk D, ENXE Edda and ENVH Valhall A
Missing installations are:
ENLA - Ula N57 06,70 E002 50,80
ENXI - Valhall Flank North N56 19,40 E003 21,10
ENWV - Valhall PH N56 16,48 E003 23,59Any chance to get the UK sector offshore installations displayed on the "Airports" layer.
Regards from Valhall
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