Best Model for FOG forecasting
since i'm a meteorologist and based on my experience i think that COBEL (code de Brouillard à l'Échelle Locale) written in french is a class leader but unfortunatly i cannot access it (our National Meteorology Directorate does have access to it) and i really hope that WINDY adds this model even though it is a tricky thing to do
As I know, COBEL is a 1-D model and must be coupled with a 3-D model (GFS, ECMWF etc)
to simulate the 2m air temperature and relative humidity
over a specific area (e.g. airport) .
It is a usefull tool for fog forecasting (localy), but it is not a global model. you can use this method
Thanks a LOT, this method sounds very clever, i guess this it will work very well for me.
Thanks again for your HELP.