Significant bug in the video animation feature
Affects Win10 (v1803) + Firefox 67.0
I can make a video within Firefox but when I press "Publish & Save" the interface keeps playing the displayed video on the publish/save screen but otherwise locks the browser functions and I can not even make a screenshot of it, nor open any other pages on the internet.
It does not complete the "Publish and Save" online and thus does not let go of the browser, it just freezes on the Publish and Save screen.
However, Firefox does allow me to save the video locally to HDD, before I have to close the browser to get back my internet connection. And the saved video works fine (but no means currently to upload it to a thread).
But the publishing has not taken place.
At a minimum it needs to let go of the browser after creating videos.
At the moment the video animation feature can only be regarded as not usable within Firefox.
Please solve.
Windy's video feature still remains non-functional within Firefox 67.0.2 - the video online saving process simply crashes the browser.
If it's not going to be made workable could you please provide Firefox users the ability to at least make animated GIFs once again?