Upload, display and share your KML, GPX or GeoJSON on Windy
Excellent feature, thanks. Just tried it with KML files and it is really great. If I could pick on something, it would be that when refreshing, you have to upload the KML files again.
Hi, great feature, however it doesn't seem to be working for my kml file: https://www.windy.com/upload/5d66608c8992c4001abf5c25 . Same file works in other tools. Am I doing something wrong?
Trying to map open coal power plans on your air quality layers
Thanks -
Very good and useful option. Keep up good work.
@ivo I have a website that converts the plain text of our flight plan into a couple of different formats. The main purpose is to convert the flight plan into html for use on the iPad. However, while I am doing that, I also convert the route it into kmz gpx. The kmz did not work, but the gpx did. This is fine in that I probably have too much more information than just the route in the .kmz file.
It would be great to be able to click on the gpx file attachment and open the file directly. Right now, I have to save the file to folders and then open the file from within Windy. Even better would be if I could create a link with a custom URL to open the route like I do with ForeFlight.
A minor complaint is that the route will not draw across the date line, but will go all the way around the world to intercept the next point on the other side.
I have not been a big Windy user, but discovered this looking for models for hurricane Dorian. Please take my comments in the context of the intention of trying to give some feedback of some improvements that would make this even better. I am very impressed with Windy!!
@John-Bell I just uploaded an example: https://www.windy.com/upload/5d69c2baf731e5001aed7947.
I was attempting to load the hurricane spaghetti plots from South Florida Water Management district and the tracker from the NHC that autoupdate but Windy doesn't seem to be able to work with these files.
https://apps.sfwmd.gov/sfwmd/common/images/weather/plots.htmlNHC Active KML Feed:
https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/gis/activekml.php -
@kehoe we don't support KMZ, so from Google Earth you need to save layer as KML and it should work. This is how we created the following plot:
Thanks. I see. Any thoughts about the Network Link functionality to auto update tracks or plots when the KML overlay is active?
I was using sfwmd.gov data, by processing through a XSLT stylesheet, first because the incompatibility, and to restructure, and filter the data. Restructure includes picking the part out that Windy will work with, adding graphics, putting in a bounding box (don't care about hurricane tracks in Greenland), which tracks/ensembles to show, and converting start time + offset into a time.
The stylesheet operates on a XML file with the URL(s) to pull from, and clipping box (NSEW). msxml6 on Windows seems to be extremely fast (probably JIT compiles) and can easily plow thorough 100's files totaling several GB.
My humble opinion: Any interoperability application which takes in XML data should have the option of passing the XML through a XSLT transformation which by default the identity transform. This allows fixes to be made to inputs without breaking open code, particularly when an outside source changes its format.
I sometimes apply XSLT transforms as filtering rules to URLs/IP's with a proxy (Privoxy) running on a router to handle it with network hardware. This can also fix things going out. Then you don't have to fiddle with clients.
XSLT is XML that transforms XML files(s) into XML (or non XML) -- this is said in the sense that a SQL select query transforms database table(s) into another table. XSLT not a procedural language, its declarative - to me much less error prone. XSLT's 'program flow' is a parser doing a tree traversal, and content matching criteria can be routed through different rules. On the simplest level, you can pass through, ignore, modify or replace. XSLT is Turing complete, but certain tasks are real ugly to accomplish. I see XSLT as a sort of OODBMS to work with hierarchical cursors.
KMZ seems to be A zip archive of XML file(s) plus others. For instance "AL052019_041adv_TRACK.kmz" has "AL052019_041adv_TRACK.kml" in it plus all the icons they use. In windows can change the .kmz to .zip and open it. The Microsoft office format (docx, pptx, or xlsx) is also like this.To get the NHC kmz's, get https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/gis/kml/nhc_active.kml It has the links to other current products in .kmz, and other info. A cron job on an OpenWRT router could easily serve/archive current products with wget/curl and xsltproc.
@ivo said in Upload, display and share your KML, GPX or GeoJSON on Windy:
Our front end junior developer @iblfilip just finished long awaited Windy functionality: the file uploader.
Just visit https://www.windy.com/uploader and display KML, GPX or GeoJSON file on Windy.
Each file can be saved to our cloud either as public or private.
Each saved file than can be shared using nice shareable URL like this: https://www.windy.com/upload/5cef2a2781b2ea0012a05d5d
Enjoy and let us know how do you like it.
It works great but i have issues with the placements of the points, error is quite big but can be resolved by zooming the map. Hope you can resolve this one and by the way how can I donate to you?
Not display my KML files. help thank you
Hi, this a great tool. It would be very useful for me (I am a marine scientist) while planning the routing between sampling stations at sea. I have been using windy for a long time during the cruises for optimizing the time and the convenience of the scientists on board.
I have a small suggestion. I uploaded a gpx file contains station points, which are visible on the map but the icons are too big and not displayed correctly. You may add a standard icon to solve this problem. My original icons are small green circles. Thanks again for your efforts. -
I can't upload kmx file created in Google Earth ... Please let me know how.
@yoon-jong-hwan 1) You have to export the file as kml (not kmz which is just zipped kml and the images folder), 2) if there are incons or pictures in kml, all images have to be hosted somewhere and linked by their full urls (they won't be uploaded to Windy, showing "dead" image links).
If you have trouble uploading NWS/NOAA or JTWC cones, just chat me here in community and I'll show you how these files have to be edited to work on Windy.
Is there a up date to get future Radar? I along with many would delete out weather apps if you have future radar and text notifications! -
I continue to appreciate this tool. It is proving to be very useful for visualizing weather along a sailing passage. It would be very cool if the weather detail bar as shown in the distance planner were also available for kml, gpz, GeoSON routes.
As more routes are added, and I predict there will be thousands as others discover it, a search tool would be very helpful. Maybe search or filter uploaded routes by user? Or by those routes applicable to the current screen view, i.e. take the lat/lon rectangle from the screen corners and filter for the uploaded routes which intersect that rectangle.
Thank you.
Great work. I see .xml file upload possibility and have tried it but for some reason doesn't work. File has been converted from .csv file that I use for navigation in other system
Can I upload a track into my phone app?
Or is there any way to open the already uploaded track on the phone?