2019 North Indian Ocean cyclone season storm names
The list of the 2019 North Indian Ocean cyclone season unused storm names gets shorter. Yesterday, the third named storm of the season formed in the Arabian Sea.So far, the North Indian Ocean season goes like this. Cyclonic Storm Pabuk entered basin on January 4, followed byextremely severe Cyclonic Storm Fani (April 26 to May 4), and now Vayu heads towards India and Pakistan.
Wait a minute, did I say 3rd? Then what's wrong with the infographic? Why Pabuk is missing? Nothing is wrong, it's just that Pabuk's name was assigned by the Japan Meteorological Agency, beause it entered the basin from the Gulf of Thailand.
The name Vayu is contributed by India and Hikaa and Kyarr by Maldives and Myanmar respectively.
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