Layer with PWS
Is there a method to see all PWS,s on the Windy main interface. As a layer would be most convenient I guess. And when clicking you get the info (open - all info, etc...). Does this exist already?
If you click on Reported wind or Reported temperature you see all types of Weather Stations, but not only the Personal Weather Stations (PWS). And each of them are clickable to see their data.
But why do you want to see only PWS?
I would prefer to select only official weather stations. -
@idefix37 Thnx! OK, I get it. Well, I would prefer both, to see the difference.
PWS are often unreliable because of inappropriate installation.
Today is a hot day for Frankfurt with temp. 33~35C
but 42C (or even 162C !!!) is totally wrong.
You are right ! I’ve noted several PWS showing wrong data in particular for the wind speed. They are often in towns, in the middle of buildings...Each weather station on Windy is identified as:
- (wmo) official weather station certified by WMO
- (ad) seems to be weather station on air base? But I’m not sure. Do you know what (ad) means?
- (madis) PWS which are in the MADIS network from the NOAA. Good data are not assured.
- (ship) most of them are not ships but buoys.
I wonder how to see the PWS which are logged on Windy.
All of them are not in the MADIS network? How to see them? -
I can't see wx. stations identified as "ad".
I see only: madis, wmo station, ship and airport.
Maybe "ad" means aerodrome. -
Yes, it seems to be something linked to aerodrome, airbase, airport, ...?
Loannina airport in Greece is identified as (ad)
Thank you! That’s clear.
On iPad I don’t have this label shown when I click on a weather station. -
It would be nice if Windy provided a way to see just pws stations on the map. It would be helpful to find neighbors,.compare data, etc.
There is a way to pull the entire database of Windy pws stations (non-madis) using your API key and you then get this nasty text dump file. The problem is that there is no CR after every record and the fields don't line up for every station as some have different columns. So it's a mess. I worked and manipulate the data in Excel and it wasn't easy nor fun. That dump file should be fixed. If you want to learn how to do it then read the API documentation. But you better know how to manipulate raw data, or it is just gibberish.