Autoplay radar on embedded
I've got radar embedded on my, how can I get the radar to autoplay when it's loaded? I don't see any option on embedded widget creation page, and I've tried adding an "autoplay=1" and "autoPlay=1" to the url with no success.
@lightmastertech Why was there never a reply on this question?
I am struggling to find a solution for this as well. I was hoping a simple URL parameter would do the trick, but I haven't found one yet. I've tried the same ones you have, as well as things like "playPause", "animation", "play", "loop", "start", etc. And I've tried values of "1", "on", "true" for all of those. I guess it's just not supported.
I did see somewhere else that someone was able to send a javascript command to click the "playpause" button after loading. But I'm using iframe within my Home Assistant server and don't have the ability to pass javascript. :(
Hi everyone, did you find a solution to auto play an embeded windy map ? I've tried by jquery, javascript, but it's impossible since the iFrame is considered as a cross origin content.
Thanks -
@jerome48 Hello, there is no autoplay option, the widget animation shows the current time.
@korina said in Autoplay radar on embedded:
@jerome48 Hello, there is no autoplay option, the widget animation shows the current time.
Well thats not correct. I found a way to use autoplay with embedded mode.
You have to implement the following Codedocument.evaluate( '//*[@*[starts-with(name(), "data-ref")]="play"]', document, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null ).iterateNext().click()
@bittersweet1987 How would I embed this with this code - we are using Novisign and would like to use the autoplay feature on our digital sign.
@Bittersweet1987 iframe width="650" height="450" src="" frameborder="1">
Re: Autoplay radar on embedded
I have been using the embedded Windy app on a sign through ScreenHub. I am looking to Autoplay the radar on the sign.
It appears that the person in the linked thread was able to use coding to get the radar to play automatically.
I have not navigated the world of coding, API, or anything more complex than the Embed Radar Map feature on the Windy website. Is there a way that I can get the radar to autoplay? Here is the embed code:
Thanks for any help!
sorry, here is the code:
iframe width="1500" height="870" src="" frameborder="0">